Add, Edit or Remove Suggestions


  • Overview
  • Pre-conditions
  • Steps
  • Supplementary Information


Find more information on how to add, edit or remove suggestions.


  • Document level permissions: 'Owner', 'Editor', 'Reviewer'.
  • Suggesting mode is selected.


Add a Suggestion:

  1. Select a paragraph.
  2. Make edits.
  3. Click Save suggestion*.


Update a Suggestion:

  1. Hover over a paragraph with a suggestion.
  2. Make edits.
  3. Click Update suggestion.


Discard a Suggestion:

  1. Hover over a paragraph with a suggestion.
  2. Make edits.
  3. Click Discard changes.


Remove a Suggestion:

  1. Hover over a the paragraph with a suggestions.
  2. Click Remove suggestion.

Supplementary Information

A special paragraph green indicator appears next to the paragraph with a new suggestion.

Owners and editors will be able to review and accept suggestions.

Table suggestions

Suggestions can be made in table cells as well.

Content Search

By clicking on the search icon , you can search for content in the document even while in Suggestion mode.

  • This only applies to text not being edited. So if you or another user are editing a paragraph, the edited text will not appear, and the edit will need to complete in order for the text to be searched and highlighted.