Configure and Export a Custom Report


  • Overview


Asides from the 3 standard MI reports (active documents, archived documents, & user roles) that come with your Clausematch platform, custom MI reports can be created and edited by Clausematch Support for usage by your platform users.

Afterwards any particular custom report can be exported by any user in the platform with the necessary system permissions (as specified in the custom report's back-end code).

To have a custom report created or modified by our Support team through our ticket form, please check the required information specified below and ensure that it is included in your custom report request.

Custom Report - Required Information

  • Name & Description
  • Filters
  • Columns
  • Permissions

Name & Description

Name and description of the custom report.


A document report has 2 configurable filters that determine which documents get included:

  • Released:
    • Document has at least 1 released version
    • Document hasn't been released once
    • Any
  • Archived:
    • Document is active
    • Document is archived
    • Any


A document report can contain any of the following columns that each need a column name specified as well as any other properties specified depending on the column type:

  • Document ID: Unique identifier of the document (it appears in the browser URL when inside of the document).
  • Document Title: Name of the document.
    • Choose between latest released version name and current draft name.
  • Document Version: Current version of the document.
  • Document Stage: Current stage of the document.
  • Document Visitor Count: Number of specified document users who viewed the document.
    • Visitor type to be specified by document role (Owner, Editor, or Reviewer)
  • Document Visitor Names: List of names belonging to specified document users.
    • Visitor type to be specified by document role (Owner, Editor, or Reviewer)
  • Last Released Date: Date the document was last released.
  • Last Released By: User who last released the document.
  • Metadata: Value in the specified metadata field.
    • Metadata name has to be specified (it has to exactly match the metadata field name in Admin Panel).
    • Latest released version value or the current version value (only for Clausematch platforms with 2024.2 or higher version).
  • Category: Documents that fit directly under the indirectly specified sub-category(ies).
    • ID of the root category has to be specified.
      • This can be copied from the browser URL when the category is clicked on.
    • Level of depth starting from the specified root category.
      • Must be 1 or higher.
      • 1 means directly under the specified root category.
      • As an example of what a number higher than 1 means, 2 means directly under any sub-categories nested within the root category.
  • Template Title: Name of the currently attached template, if any.
  • Portal's latest publication date: Date the document's latest version was published
  • Portal's latest publication author: User who published the document's latest version.
  • Portal's latest publication title: Name of the document's latest published version.
  • Portal's latest publication version: Version number of the document's latest published version.


Specification needs to be made on the system permissions (aside from 'Report Viewer') a Policy Management user need in order to view and export this custom report.