Recipes: Automations

Automation rules can, by their customizable nature, help solve numerous scenarios in which particular actions have to be taken or more particularly, stakeholders have to be communicated to, in order to move the document workflow to a more desirable direction.

To assist you and your team in figuring out what type of automations can help you and how to configure them, Clausematch has provided below different backgrounds with their recipes which should help form an idea of what automations can do in different but relevant scenarios.

  • Recipes:
    • Send 2 reminders to the Document Owner of the approaching Metadata Date
    • Notify group of managers if associated document was Archived
    • If stage is past due, send escalated email reminder to Document Reviewers

Send 2 reminders to the Document Owner of the approaching Metadata Date


It has been identified through process review of a particular document's draft cycle that the Document Owner needs to be reminded 2 times before a specific metadata date arrives.

The 1st time is 14 days before the date, while the 2nd time is 7 days before.


Notify group of managers if associated document was Archived


As administrators of the tool are responsible for the follow up monitoring table, receiving alerts on documents creation and deletion as well as on changes of status might be useful to monitor and react more efficiently.


If stage is past due, send escalated email reminder to Document Reviewers


There have been cases where the stage deadline has passed due to lack of review and the document still sits in that stage.

To help reduce the average time taken by Document Reviewers to react and provide further review, escalated email reminders can be sent to mitigate this scenario.
