Release 107 - Fixes (Detailed)

The fixes from release 107 are detailed on this supplementary page.

Details for each fix are: pre-conditions (if any), steps to reproduce, expected result, dependencies and downstream impacts, and support request (ticket) IDs (if applicable).

  • Fixes
    • Policy Management
      • Fixed an incident that caused special symbols and diacritics not to correctly display in timeline and mention dropdown
      • Fixed an incident that caused special symbols and diacritics not to correctly display in the mention email
      • Fixed a bug that caused stage deadline triggers not to update if users were added/removed to/from group
      • Fixed a bug that caused owners not to update on the Info tab if group members were changed through the Admin panel
      • Fixed a bug that caused user’s first/last name changes not to display on the Info sidebar
    • Policy Portal
      • Fixed a bug that caused tag options in Add filter not being selectable when there are at least 23 tags in the system

For any questions, please email and we will further assist you.


Policy Management

Important bugs that were fixed

  • Fixed an incident that caused special symbols and diacritics not to correctly display in timeline and mention dropdown
    • Pre-conditions:
      • User A with special symbols and diacritics in the first and last name is created in the admin panel. Examples:

        1. ™ © € £– — " & < >
        3. ÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýþÿĀāĂ㥹
        4. ŠšŸ
        5. Œœ
    • Steps to reproduce:
      1. Create a document by user A
      2. Add User B as an editor
      3. Open the document by user B
      4. Open the document/paragraph activity tab
      5. Enter '@' in the comment field
      6. Check the user name in mention dropdown
      7. Select a user from the dropdown and enter a comment
      8. Check the user name in the timeline on the document/paragraph activity tab
    • Expected result:
      • Special symbols and diacritics are correctly displayed
    • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
      • Document timeline
      • Paragraph timeline
      • Comments
    • Support Requests IDs:
      • 6937
  • Fixed an incident that caused special symbols and diacritics not to correctly display in the mention email
    • Pre-condition:
      • User A with special symbols and diacritics in the first and last name is created in the admin panel. Examples:

        1. ™ © € £– — " & < >
        3. ÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýþÿĀāĂ㥹
        4. ŠšŸ
        5. Œœ
    • Steps to reproduce:
      1. Create a document by user A
      2. Add User B as an editor
      3. Open the document by user B
      4. Open the document/paragraph activity tab
      5. Enter '@' in the comment field
      6. Select a user from the dropdown and enter a comment
      7. Check the user name in the mention email
    • Expected result:
      • Special symbols and diacritics are correctly displayed
    • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
      • Emails
    • Support Requests IDs:
      • 6937
  • Fixed a bug that caused stage deadline triggers not to update if users were added/removed to/from group
    • Pre-conditions:
      1. User1, User2 and User3 exist in the system
      2. User2 is added to Group1
      3. Email notification for Document stages is set to "10.00" for User1, User2 and User3; time before deadline is set to "Week”
    • Steps to reproduce:
      1. Create document by User1 and set Release stage deadline to "current day +10 days"
      2. Add Group1 to the Document as Owner
      3. See metadata triggers for specific document with SQL command (replace documentId with id of document created at the step 1)
        • SQL command:

          WITH t AS (SELECT (TIMESTAMP 'epoch' + next_fire_time * INTERVAL '1ms') next_fire_timestamp,

          split_part(trigger_name, '*', 1) trigger_type,*

          *split_part(trigger_name, '*', 2) stage_id,

          split_part(trigger_name, '*', 3) user_id,*

          *split_part(trigger_group, '*', 3) document_id

          FROM qrtz_triggers)

          SELECT t.trigger_type, t.next_fire_timestamp, t.stage_id,, t.user_id, t.document_id

          FROM t

          LEFT JOIN document_stage ds ON t.stage_id = ds.uuid

          WHERE t.trigger_type = 'StageDeadline'

          AND t.document_id = 'documentId';
      4. In Admin panel add User3 to Group1 and Remove User2 from it
      5. Remove User1 from document by User3
      6. See stage deadline triggers for specific document with SQL command (replace documentId with id of document created at the step 1)
    • Expected results:
      • After step 3 - Data output contains 6 columns with trigger type, notification time (next_fire_timestamp), stage id, stage name, user id and document id: 2 row exists - one for User1 and one for User2

      • After step 6 - Data output contains 6 columns with trigger type, notification time (next_fire_timestamp), stage id, stage name, user id and document id: 1 row exists - only for User3

    • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
      • Emails
      • Stage deadline triggers
      • User groups
    • Support Requests IDs:
      • 5750, 6188, 6392, 6464, 6504, 6600, 6987, 6992, 6994, 7025
  • Fixed a bug that caused owners not to update on the Info tab if group members were changed through the Admin panel
    • Pre-conditions:
      1. User1, User2 and User3 exist in the system

      2. User1 has superadmin or manage users permission

      3. User2 is added to Test group

    • Steps to reproduce:
      1. Create document by User1
      2. Add Test group as owner to document
      3. Open Admin panel/Users and groups in another browser tab
      4. Remove User2 from Test group and add User3
      5. Navigate back to browser tab with open document and refresh the page
      6. Check Info tab/Owners
    • Expected result:
      • User1 and User3 are displayed as owners on Info tab
    • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
      • Document permissions
      • Document Info
      • User management
    • Support Requests IDs:
      • N/A
  • Fixed a bug that caused user’s first/last name changes not to display on the Info sidebar
    • Pre-conditions:
      • N/A
    • Steps to reproduce:
      1. Create document
      2. Add “User1” to the document as owner
      3. Open Admin panel/User and groups tab
      4. Edit “User1” first name - set “User1Updated”
      5. Open document
    • Expected result:
      • New first name is displayed for “User1Updated” on the Info sidebar
    • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
      • Document Info
      • User Management
    • Support Requests IDs:
      • N/A

Policy Portal

  • Fixed a bug that caused tag options in Add filter not being selectable when there are at least 23 tags in the system
    • Pre-conditions:
      • N/A
    • Steps to reproduce:
      1. Open Policy Portal
      2. Click Add Filter
      3. Choose Tags
      4. Scroll down
      5. Select a tag that is not initially visible in dropdown
      6. Set checkbox or click on tag name
    • Expected result:
      • Tag is selected
    • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
      • Tags Document
      • Search & filter
    • Support Requests IDs:
      • N/A