Release 108 - Fixes (Detailed)


The fixes from release 108 are detailed on this supplementary page.

Details for each fix are: pre-conditions (if any), steps to reproduce, expected result, dependencies and downstream impacts, and support request (ticket) IDs (if applicable).

  • Fixes
    • Policy Management 
      • Fixed an incident that caused bold and italic styles in numbering to be imported incorrectly
      • Fixed a bug that caused untagged paragraphs to be filtered out if "include untagged paragraphs in filtering" is turned ON in config
      • Fixed a bug that caused the "Add from template" action not to reset by "Undo" operation
      • Fixed a bug that caused tables to overlap the right border after paragraph reordering
      • Fixed a bug that caused spellcheck to switch off when working in compare versions mode
      • Fixed a bug that caused long names of groups to not render correctly in settings, dropdowns and reports
    • Policy Portal
      • Fixed a bug that caused the toggle to not turn off on Settings modal
    • Admin Panel
      • Fixed an incident that caused special characters in metadata choices to be removed

For any questions, please email and we will further assist you.


Policy Management

    • Fixed an incident that caused bold and italic styles in numbering to be imported incorrectly
      • Pre-condition:
        • N/A
      • Steps to reproduce:
    • Import DOCX file from attachment
    • Check style for numbering in imported file
      • Expected result:
        • Styles in numbering should be similar to DOCX file
      • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
        • Document import
        • Numbering
        • Styling
      • Support Request IDs:
        • 6950
    • Fixed a bug that caused untagged paragraphs to be filtered out if "include untagged paragraphs in filtering" is turned ON in config

      • Pre-condition:
        • INCLUDE_UNTAGGED_PARAGRAPHS_IN_FILTERING: false in FEATURE section of instance
      • Steps to reproduce:
        1. Create document with 2 paragraphs, each of them has sub-paragraphs
        2. Tag 1st paragraph with tag1, 2nd paragraph with tag2
        3. Open Tags sidebar/Gear menu - two options are presented, "Show tags on paragraphs" is turned on, "Include untagged paragraphs" is turned off
        5. Open Tags sidebar/Gear menu - only "Show tags on paragraphs" is presented, because "Include untagged paragraphs" is turned on by default
        6. Click on tag1 on Tags sidebar
        7. Move this document on Release stage and check tags filtering on PP
      • Expected result:
        • 1st paragraph and all untagged sub-paragraphs should be visible, only 2nd paragraph should be filtered out
      • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
        • Paragraphs
        • Tags
      • Support Requests IDs:
        • N/A
    • Fixed a bug that caused the "Add from template" action not to reset by "Undo" operation
      • Pre-condition:
        • N/A
      • Steps to reproduce:

        1. Create template with any text in header
        2. Move template to Release stage and create document from this template
        3. Move template to Draft stage, change content of header and move template back to Release stage
        4. Open document from step 2
        5. Click on "Add from template" button near header and select header after that
        6. Edit header and click on "Add from template" button near header
        7. Select header and click on "Undo" button

      • Expected results:
        • "Add from template" action should be reset by "Undo" operation
      • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
        • Templates
        • Editor
      • Support Request IDs:
        • N/A
  • Fixed a bug that caused tables to overlap the right border after paragraph reordering
    • Pre-condition:
      • N/A
    • Steps to reproduce:

      1. Create 4 paragraph levels
      2. Add one more paragraph5 on the 1st level
      3. Insert 2x2 table to paragraph5
      4. Move paragraph5 under 4th level on the 5th level
    • Expected result:
      • Table doesn’t overlap the right border. The table width is recalculated
    • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
      • Tables
      • Editor
    • Support Requests IDs:
      • N/A
  • Fixed a bug that caused spellcheck to switch off when working in compare versions mode
    • Pre-condition:

      • Document has two released versions and it is in Draft state

    • Steps to reproduce:

      1. Login to the system
      2. Open document, press "Compare versions"
      3. Choose the first released document version
      4. Press the cross on "Compare versions" selector
      5. Switch on editing mode

    • Expected result:

      • Spellcheck is switched on

    • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
      • Document Editor
      • Versions
    • Support Request IDs:
      • N/A
  • Fixed a bug that caused long names of groups to not render correctly in settings, dropdowns and reports
    • Pre-condition:

      • Login as Admin

    • Steps to reproduce:

      1. Open admin panel
      2. Open Users and groups tab
      3. Click ‘New group button’
      4. Type group name [255 symbols]:`With this utility you generate a 16 character output based on your input of numbers and upper and lower case letters. Random Random strings can be unique. Used in computing, a random string generator can also be called a random character string generator.'
      5. Click 'Create'
      6. Click on the group with the long name
      7. Click ‘Add users to group’
      8. Check ‘Select users to add them to’ panel
      9. Check dropdown on document settings on PM and PP
      10. Check mention dropdown on document/paragraph activity tabs
      11. Check approvals dropdown on document/paragraph activity tabs
      12. Check tooltip Chart Group by document owner on Reports tab

    • Expected result:

      • Select users to add them to panel looks correct when the group name is long

    • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
      • Dropdowns Reports
      • Document Settings
    • Support Request IDs:
      • N/A

Policy Portal

  • Fixed a bug that caused the toggle to not turn off on Settings modal
    • Pre-condition:

      • Document created and released

    • Steps to reproduce:

      1. Open PP
      2. Open Settings modal of document
      3. Turn on toggle ‘Show to everyone in the portal’
      4. Click on Show and Save buttons
      5. Open Settings modal of document again
      6. Turn off toggle

    • Expected result:

      • Toggle is successfully turned off

    • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
      • Document Settings
    • Support Request IDs:
      • N/A

Admin Panel

  • Fixed an incident that caused special characters in metadata choices to be removed
    • Pre-condition:
      • N/A
    • Steps to reproduce:

      1. Login as Superadmin
      2. Open Admin panel/metadata tab
      3. Create new Field with options metadata with choices: &<>+'`={
      4. Press Create
      5. Reload page
      6. Check the symbols in the metadata choices

    • Expected result:

      • Special symbols look the same as when you enter

    • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
      • Metadata
    • Support Request IDs:
      • 7023
      • 7456