Release 112 - November 2022


This release contains the following:

  • New features
    • Policy Management
      • Table of Contents does not automatically collapse
      • Filter Document activity by approval events
    • Policy Portal
      • Filter and Export Document Activity by date range
  • Bug fixes & improvements
    • Policy Management

For any questions, please email and we will further assist you.

New features

1. Policy Management

1.1 Table of Contents does not automatically collapse


For ease of navigation and to view the document's structure, the Table of Contents on the left-hand sidebar no longer collapses when working on the document, so you can decide when to show it and when to close it.

Additionally, all changes in your document structure will be automatically updated in the TOC sidebar.

Use case:

  • As an end user, I want the navigation pane to stay open so I can navigate to other sections of the document for an easier view.

Dependencies and downstream impacts:

  • TOC sidebar in editor on Policy Management
  • TOC sidebar in Policy Management version page
  • TOC sidebar in Policy Portal
  • TOC sidebar in Mobile Portal

Feature Behavior:

  • TOC sidebar is hidden by default
  • When a user opens the Suggestion, Connection, Original document modal, the TOC sidebar is hidden
  • When a user reloads the page , the TOC sidebar is restored to the state (open/close) prior to the reload. The selected tab in the TOC sidebar prior to the reload will not be restored and it will default to “Headings”

1.2 Filter Document Activity by approval events


You can now filter the Document and Paragraph activities (Audit trails) by approver events from all stages to use this information for reporting and audit purposes. We also added more granular options to filter document activity by document level and paragraph level events and added a search function to quickly navigate to the required filter option.

Use cases:

  • Ability to capture and report on information about completed reviews/sign-off made by each reviewer/committee on each document stage.

Dependencies and downstream impacts:

  • Document timeline
  • Paragraph timeline

Feature Behavior:

  • Approval events that are included in the new filter option:
    • Document Approvals
      1. Document approval created
      2. Document approval removed
      3. Document approved
      4. Document rejected
      5. Document approval moved to pending
    • Paragraph Approvals
      1. Paragraph approval created
      2. Paragraph approval removed
      3. Paragraph approved
      4. Paragraph rejected
      5. Paragraph approval moved to pending

2. Policy Portal

2.1 Filter and Export Document Activity by date range


You can now filter document activity by date to review any changes in the required period and export this information for reporting and evidence purposes.

Use case:

  • As a User, I want to filter Document and Paragraph activities (Audit trails) by the defined period, so I can review events for reporting audit purposes according to my needs.

Dependencies and downstream impacts:

  • Document timeline
  • Paragraph timeline
  • Export

Feature Behavior:

  • N/A

User Guide article:

Bug fixes & improvements

For details on each fix listed below, please visit this details page.

Policy Management

Important bugs that were fixed

  • Fixed a bug that caused document editing to be disabled while Docx export was in progress

  • Fixed a bug that caused subject differentiation between paragraph approval requests and document approval requests