Release 2023 Q1 - Fixes (Detailed)

The fixes from Release 2023 Q1 (which includes releases 113114, & 115), are detailed on this supplementary page.

Details for each fix are:  steps to reproduce, expected result, dependencies and downstream impacts, and support request (ticket) IDs (if applicable).

  • Fixes
    • Content Management
      • Document Editor
        • Fixed a bug that caused pending deletion formatting not to be applied in an exported file
        • Fixed a bug that caused not all documents to be downloaded after starting several export operations in one tab
        • Fixed a bug that caused cloning and importing big documents (>3000 paragraphs) to slow down performance
        • Fixed a bug that caused incorrect table structure after DOCX Upload
        • Fixed a bug that caused actions “reorder snippets” and “convert snippet into paragraphs” not to be reflected on the Table Of Contents sidebar
        • Fixed a bug that caused paragraph numbers for pending deleted paragraphs and headings not to be colored red
        • Fixed a bug that caused disabled users to be mentionable on the Document activity sidebar
        • Fixed a bug that made it impossible to copy more than one text line from a table without copying a cell
      • Notifications
        • Fixed a bug that caused metadata deadline notifications not to be sent for owner of the document created from template
        • Fixed a bug that caused metadata deadline notification not to be sent for owner of the document clone
  • Patch fix 2023.1.1
    • Performance
      • Fixed an incident that caused various actions/updates (e.g changing document name, archiving document, etc...) to lag
      • Fixed an incident that caused 20+ second document opening time
    • Notifications
      • Fixed an incident that caused users with 'Never' metadata deadline notification to still receive email notification

For any questions, please email and we will further assist you.


Content Management

Important bugs that were fixed.

Document Editor

  • Fixed a bug that caused pending deletion formatting not to be applied in an exported file
    • Steps to reproduce:
  1. Create document.
  2. Paste the text from a document into the 1st paragraph.
  3. Put paragraph in the pending deletion state.
  4. Export document to DOCX including paragraphs pending deletion.
  5. Check pending deletion formatting (strikethrough and red color font) in DOCX.
  • Expected result:
      • Pending deletion formatting is applied in the exported file
  • Dependencies & Impact:
    • Document Export
  • Support Request IDs:
      • N/A
  • Fixed a bug that caused not all documents to be downloaded after starting several export operations in one tab
    • Steps to reproduce:
  1. Create/upload large document.
  2. Open it.
  3. Start several export operations.
  4. Wait until all documents are prepared and exported.
  5. Check auto-downloaded documents.
  • Expected result:
      • All documents should be auto-downloaded after finishing several export operations in one browser tab
    • Dependencies & Impact:
      • Document Export
    • Support Request IDs:
      • N/A
  • Fixed a bug that caused cloning and importing big documents (>3000 paragraphs) to slow down performance
    • Steps to reproduce:
  1. Open a large document with >3000 paragraphs or import it.
  2. Clone document several times.
  • Expected result:
      • Cloning doesn't slow down performance
  • Dependencies & Impact:
      • Cloning
    • Support Request IDs:
      • N/A
  • Fixed a bug that caused incorrect table structure after DOCX Upload
    • Steps to reproduce:
  1. Upload DOCX with a single table.
  2. Revise the uploaded document on the platform.
  • Expected result:
      • The table cells are imported correctly
  • Dependencies & Impact:
      • Document Import
      • Tables
  • Support Request IDs:
      • N/A
  • Fixed a bug that caused actions “reorder snippets” and “convert snippet into paragraphs” not to be reflected on the Table Of Contents sidebar
    • Steps to reproduce:
  1. Create two snippets, and move them to the Release stage.
  2. Create new document.
  3. Insert both snippets.
  4. Check TOC sidebar/Snippets tab - titles of both snippets are displayed.
  5. Reorder paragraph with snippets, check TOC sidebar/Snippets tab.
  6. Convert both snippets into paragraphs, check TOC sidebar/Snippets tab.
  • Expected result:
      • Actions “reorder paragraph with snippets” and “convert snippet into paragraphs” should be reflected on TOC sidebar
  • Dependencies & Impact:
    • Snippets
    • Table Of Contents
  • Support Request IDs:
      • N/A
  • Fixed a bug that caused paragraph numbers for pending deleted paragraphs and headings not to be colored red
    • Steps to reproduce:
  1. Create document.
  2. Add some text to paragraph1.
  3. Add 2 more paragraphs with text after paragraph1.
  4. Apply numbering to paragraph1 and paragraph2.
  5. Apply Heading style to paragraph2.
  6. Apply the ordered list to paragraph3.
  7. Soft remove all three paragraphs.
  • Expected result:
      • Paragraph numbers for paragraph1 and paragraph2 (Heading) are colored red as it is implemented for paragraph3 with ordered list
  • Dependencies & Impact:
      • Styling
      • Numbering
  • Support Request IDs:
      • N/A
  • Fixed a bug that caused disabled users to be mentionable on the Document activity sidebar
    • Steps to reproduce:
  1. Log in as superadmin.
  2. Create document and add User1 as an editor.
  3. Open Admin panel/Users and groups and disable User1.
  4. Return back to the document from step 1 and open the Document activity. sidebar.
  5. Type @ in the comment bar, click on User1's username in the dropdown, and press "Send".
  • Expected result:
      • Disabled users shouldn't be able to be mentioned in the document, its username shouldn't appear in the dropdown after entering @ in the comment bar (as it works on the Paragraph activity sidebar).
  • Dependencies & Impact:
      • Document activity
      • Users
  • Support Request IDs:
      • N/A
  • Fixed a bug that made it impossible to copy more than one text line from a table without copying a cell
    • Steps to reproduce:
  1. Create/open a document.
  2. Add a table to any paragraph.
  3. Add three lines to any cell.
  4. Copy more than one line.
  5. Paste it into another paragraph.
  • Expected result:
      • Text is pasted as a plain text
  • Dependencies & Impact:
    • Copy/pasting
    • Tables
  • Support Request IDs:
    • N/A


  • Fixed a bug that caused metadata deadline notifications not to be sent for owner of the document created from template
    • Preconditions:
  1. Date metadata is created without notification date and without default value.
  2. Date metadata is added to collection ABC.
  3. Notification for the created date metadata is switched on in User settings>Email notifications.
    • Steps to reproduce:
  1. Create template with collection ABC.
  2. Move template to Release stage.
  3. Create document from template and set date metadata to today+10 days.
    • Expected result:
      • Metadata deadline notification is sent to the document owner in the time before deadline configured in User settings>Email notifications
    • Dependencies & Impact:
      • Template
      • Notifications
    • Support Request IDs:
      • N/A
  • Fixed a bug that caused metadata deadline notification not to be sent for owner of the document clone
    • Preconditions:
  1. Date metadata is created without notification date and without default value.
  2. Date metadata is added to collection ABC.
  3. Notification for the created date metadata is switched on in User settings>Email notifications.
    • Steps to reproduce:
  1. Create document with collection ABC and set date metadata to today+10 days.
  2. Clone document.
    • Expected result:
      • Metadata deadline notification is sent to the document owner in the time before deadline configured in User settings>Email notifications
    • Dependencies & Impact:
      • Clone
      • Notifications
    • Support Request IDs:
      • N/A

Patch fix 2023.1.1


  • Fixed an incident that caused various actions/updates (e.g changing document name, archiving document, etc...) to lag
    • Preconditions:
      • N/A

    • Steps to reproduce:
      • N/A
    • Expected result:
      • Various actions/updates update at normal speed
    • Dependencies & Impact:
      • Performance
    • Support Request IDs:
      • 8345
  • Fixed an incident that caused 20+ second document opening time
    • Preconditions:
      • A large number of documents with edits
    • Steps to reproduce:
  1. Open a draft document with dev console

    • Expected result:
      • Aggregated counters are loaded ~< 300ms
    • Dependencies & Impact:
      • Documents
      • Performance
    • Support Request IDs:
      • 8345
      • 8352


  • Fixed an incident that caused users with 'Never' metadata deadline notification to still receive email notification
    • Preconditions:
  1. Metadata with deadline is created and added to a collection

  2. A user in the system sets 'Never' deadline notification for this metadata

    • Steps to reproduce:
  1. Create a document with the metadata collection from preconditions.

  2. Add the user from preconditions to the document as Editor, for example.

    • Expected result
      • Trigger is not created if there is ‘Never’ setting for deadline notification
    • Dependencies & Impact:
      • Metadata
      • Notifications
    • Support Request IDs:
      • 8214