Release 2023 Q3


This quarter release contains the following:

  • New features
    • Policy Management
      • Tasks
        • Add file to a task
        • Get in-platform notifications
        • Configure task emails
        • Delete a task
        • Edit or delete a comment
      • Notifications
        • Get approval response updates
      • Connections
        • See connections more easily
      • Document Activity
        • New Event Types in Document Level Export
      • Document Types
        • Create and work with documents and templates of different types
    • System Administration
      • User Management
        • Last Active column
  • Bug fixes & improvements
    • Policy Management
      • Metadata
      • Tasks

For any questions, please email and we will further assist you.


New features

Policy Management

1. Tasks

1.1 Add file to a task

You can add a file to an existing or new task, to give the task assignee or reporter more context. This is especially useful for assignees completing evidence-type tasks.

  • Use cases:
    • Evidence-type tasks
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • N/A
  • Limitations:
    • Maximum file size: 50Mb
    • Supported file types: MS Office docs, PDF, CSV, PNG, JPEG, GIF
    • Unsupported file types: MP3, MP3, TXT, ZIP

Manage Tasks

Add file


1.2 Get in-platform notifications

You’ll now get immediate notifications within Policy Management for assignments, changes of status, and comments. This means you can collaborate in real time without having to check your emails.

  • Use cases:
    • Different types of tasks: 
      • General
      • Evidence
      • Exception
      • Incident
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • N/A
  • Limitations:
    • N/A

Collaborate on Tasks

notif centre


1.3 Configure task emails

Tasks sends emails for assignments, comments, and status updates.

Now, you can adjust these notifications to suit your needs by turning them on or off in user settings.

  • Use cases:
    • Different types of tasks: 
      • General
      • Evidence
      • Exception
      • Incident
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • N/A
  • Limitations:
    • N/A

Configure your Task Email Notifications

Tasks emails


1.4 Delete a task

You can now delete a task you’ve reported.

This helps you keep a relevant record of tasks by, for example, removing duplicate or obsolete tasks.

  • Use cases:
    • Different types of tasks: 
      • General
      • Evidence
      • Exception
      • Incident
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • N/A
  • Limitations:
    • N/A

Manage Tasks



1.5 Edit or delete a comment

You can now edit or delete a comment you’ve left on a task.

This is useful for correcting mistakes.

  • Use cases:
    • Different types of tasks: 
      • General
      • Evidence
      • Exception
      • Incident
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • N/A
  • Limitations:
    • N/A

Collaborate on Tasks

editdelete three


2. Notifications

2.1 Get approval response updates

As an approval requestor, you’ll now be notified when the approver responds.

This helps prevent bottlenecks for approvals requested from within a document ad hoc.

  • Use cases:
    • Approvals
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • N/A
  • Limitations:
    • The email only goes to the person who requested approval, i.e. it won’t go to users subject to an approval attached to a future workflow stage.
    • Approval response notifications are enabled by default, and cannot be disabled in the Admin Panel UI. They can be disabled on request, but only if all other emails are disabled at the same time.

Add an Approver



3. Connections

3.1 See connections more easily

Connections now show in a banner at the top of every document.

This makes it easier for you to see what connections exists and spot any gaps (e.g. my policy isn’t connected to a procedure) and dependencies (a regulation connected to my policy has changed, so I should review my policy).

Click on the banner to see connection details in the sidebar or on “+ connection” to add connections.

  • Use cases:
    • Document development
    • Gap analysis
    • Remediation
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • N/A
  • Limitations:
    • N/A

Manage Data Connections

connections banner


4. Document Activity

4.1 New Event Types in Document Level Export

Now you can export more activity types than before giving you greater visibility over the document development process and improving your reporting and auditing capabilities.

  • Use cases:
    • By introducing further activities based around Connections, Suggestions, Content changes, Comments, Tags, and Document events, we give document owners greater visibility over the document development process.
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • N/A
  • Limitations:
    • N/A

View Document Activity Timeline

5 Comment Export


5. Document Types

5.1 Create and work with documents and templates of different types

You can now create documents and templates of the following types in Clausematch: Control, Obligation, Policy, Procedure, Regulation or Other. This will help you create and connect the different document types that form part of your end-to-end compliance lineage, all in one platform!

The following features will enhance your experience of working with document types:

  1. In Policy Management, easily identify the document type of a document or template, with labels indicating its type. The labels display in:
    1. The ‘List view’ in the Documents tab.
    2. The document, next to its title.
  2. In the Documents tab in Policy Management, you can search for different document types using the ‘Type’ filter.
  3. In the Compliance Dashboard, you can apply the ‘Type’ filter in each column to view the connections between different document types.
  • Use cases:
    • Creation of documents and templates
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • You can create documents and templates of different document types via:
      • Policy Management:
        • From scratch.
        • DOCX upload.
      • JSON or RegHub transfer.
    • Documents attached to a template inherit the document type of the template during its attachment, regardless of whether this occurs:
      • On creation of the document.
      • After creation of the document.
    • All existing documents and templates have the ‘Type’ field populated with ‘Policy’.
  • Limitations:
    • By default this feature is disabled.
      To request this feature to be enabled, please contact Clausematch Support at
    • The ‘Type’ system field can only be updated via:
      • Support API.
      • Template attachment.
    • Snippets do not have ‘Document type’ labels.
    • In Policy Management, labels are not displayed in the ‘Table view’ in the Documents tab.
    • Labels are not displayed in Policy Portal.
    • There are no ‘Document type’ filters in Policy Portal.

Navigate Compliance Dashboard



System Administration

6. User Management

6.1 Last Active column

Now you can easily see when your users were last active on Clausematch. This will allow you to quickly understand who is utilising their access and which seats you can reassign to new users who want access.

  • Use cases:
    • By including the table view in the Users and Groups page and including the Last Active column, solution owners and managers can now have visibility over when users last logged in and can start to remove users who have been inactive for a log time or who have never logged in at all.
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • N/A
  • Limitations:
    • N/A

Manage Users

user act


Bug fixes & improvements

For details on each fix listed below, please visit this details page.


Policy Management

Important bugs that were fixed


  • Fixed a bug that caused metadata not to load during snippet creation if a Screen was applied to the Default Layout.


  • Fixed a bug that caused document search results in Tasks to return several documents instead of one when searching by the document title.