Release 2023 Q4 - Fixes (detailed)

The fixes from Release 2023 Q4 are detailed on this supplementary page.

Details for each fix are: pre-conditions, steps to reproduce, expected result, dependencies and downstream impacts, and support request (ticket) IDs (if applicable).


For any questions, please email and we will further assist you.



Policy Management

Important bugs that were fixed

  • Fixed an incident that caused the template's title page text to not save.
    • Pre-conditions:
      • Template/document has smart fields.
    • Steps to reproduce:
      •  N/A
    • Expected result:
      •  Template/document's title page does save.
    • Dependencies & Impact:
      • Templates
      • Documents
    • Support Request IDs:
      • 1821819479
      • 1856968870

  • Fixed an incident that caused 1 user being unable to open 1 document.
    • Pre-conditions:
      • User has too many notifications to display
    • Steps to reproduce:
      • N/A 
    • Expected result:
      • User can open the document 
    • Dependencies & Impact:
      • Document
      • Notifications
    • Support Request ID:
      • 1939647030

  • Fixed an incident that caused multiline text field to wrap around differently.
    • Pre-conditions:
      •  N/A
    • Steps to reproduce:
      • Create multiline text field

      • Create a doc with

      • Fill metadata within a doc with long text

      • Open sidebar either in PM or PP

    • Expected result:
      •  Multiline text field wraps correctly in sidebar
    • Dependencies & Impact:
      •  Metadata
    • Support Request ID:
      • 1806486618

  • Fixed an incident that caused a column to miss in PDF exports.
    • Pre-conditions:
      •  N/A
    • Steps to reproduce:
      • Create a document

      • Add a table 5x3 to a paragraph

      • Format the table in a specific way

      • Export the document to PDF

    • Expected result:
      • All cells are exported
    • Dependencies & Impact:
      • Exports
      • Editor 
    • Support Request ID:
      • 1939637158

  • Fixed an incident that caused approved notification email to display incorrect text instead of special characters.
    • Pre-conditions:
      •  N/A
    • Steps to reproduce:
      1. Created a document with & or other special symbols that will be escaped
      2. Create approval for the document and approve it
    • Expected result:
      •  Email displays special characters
    • Dependencies & Impact:
      • Workflows
      • Email notifications 
    • Support Request ID:
      • 1938783104

  • Fixed an incident that caused the edits in a child paragraph of a locked paragraph to revert.
    • Pre-conditions:
      • N/A
    • Steps to reproduce:
      •  N/A
    • Expected result:
      • Styles are reset for the list (bullet/ordered) in text.
    • Dependencies & Impact:
      • Editor
      • Formatting
    • Support Request ID:
      • 1824680037

  • Fixed an incident that caused document activity to intermittently load indefinitely.
    • Pre-conditions:
      • 3 NMC (Non-material changes) versions for one document version where versions have the following number of events:
        • 1 version - 1-5 events
        • 2 version - 20 events
        • 3 version - 15 events
    • Steps to reproduce:
      •  Open Document Activity tab
    • Expected result:
      •  Document activity loaded successfully
    • Dependencies & Impact:
      • Workflow
      • Document Activity
    • Support Request ID:
      • 1939623983

  • Fixed an incident that caused the copying and pasting of table text to permanently changed table column widths.
    • Pre-conditions:
      •  N/A
    • Steps to reproduce:
      1. Create table in document 3x3

      2. Add content to cells

      3. Make last column bigger than first and second

      4. Select whole cell on row 1 column 2

      5. Press Cmd/Ctrl + C

      6. Put cursor to another cell of table

      7. Press Cmd/Ctrl + V

    • Expected result:
      •  Content of cell pasted, and width of target cell remained the same.
    • Dependencies & Impact:
      •  Editor
    • Support Request ID:
      • 1939635577

  • Fixed an incident that caused the value update in a choice metadata field to not reflect in MI report.
    • Pre-conditions:
      •  N/A
    • Steps to reproduce:
      1. Create enum metadata with few choices
      2. Create screen with created metadata field
      3. Create a document with the created screen
      4. Choose option one for created document
      5. Rename metadata field option one to any content
      6. Open document
    • Expected result:
      •  In all versions of a document - the metadata option is updated and reflects the changes in the admin panel
    • Dependencies & Impact:
      • Metadata
      • Report
    • Support Request ID:
      • 1868025249

  • Fixed an incident that caused the move paragraph tooltip to keep showing even after ticking “Don’t show anymore”.
    • Pre-conditions:
      •  N/A
    • Steps to reproduce:
      1. Create document

      2. Create 2 paragraphs

      3. Start move operation

      4.  Check “Don't show anymore”

      5. Start selecting paragraph level without closing tooltip with close button

      6. Close moving mode

      7. Start moving paragraph again

    • Expected result:
      •  Hint tooltip isn’t displayed
    • Dependencies & Impact:
      • Editor 
    • Support Request ID:
      • 1939656036

  • Fixed an incident that caused the Document Info panel to intermittently open when moving a paragraph.
    • Pre-conditions:
      •  N/A
    • Steps to reproduce:
      1. Create new document

      2. Collapse document info panel

      3. Create few paragraphs

      4. Move paragraphs

    • Expected result:
      •  Moving paragraphs doesn’t cause Info Panel to open
    • Dependencies & Impact:
      • Editor
      • Metadata
    • Support Request ID:
      • 8424

  • Fixed.a bug that caused metadata custom field names with special symbols to display incorrectly in the exported files.
    • Pre-conditions:
      •  N/A
    • Steps to reproduce:
      • N/A
    • Expected result:
      •  Field names with special symbols display correctly in exports
    • Dependencies & Impact:
      • Metadata
      • Exports
    • Support Request ID:
      • N/A
  • Fixed a bug that caused font family discrepancy between CM editor and export to PDF/DOCX.
    • Pre-conditions:
      •  N/A
    • Steps to reproduce:
      •  N/A
    • Expected result:
      • No font family discrepancy between CM editor and export to PDF/DOCX. 
    • Dependencies & Impact:
      • Formatting
      • Editor
      • Export
    • Support Request ID:
      • N/A

Admin Panel

  • Fixed an incident that caused an error when accessing a specific user group.
    • Pre-conditions:
      •  N/A
    • Steps to reproduce:
      1. Create a group.
      2. Create 1700 users.
      3. Add all users to the previously created group.
      4. Try to open the group in admin panel
    • Expected result:
      •  Group opens regardless of potential performance issues.
    • Dependencies & Impact:
      •  Users and groups
    • Support Request ID:
      • 1867004975

  • Fixed an incident that caused number of added users to drop when managing a user group.
    • Pre-conditions:
      •  More than 50 users are present on the platform.
    • Steps to reproduce:
      1. Create a group in admin panel.
      2. Add 4 users from the first page and save.
      3. Try to add users from the second page.
    • Expected result:
      •  Selected users are persistent independently on pagination.
    • Dependencies & Impact:
      •  Users and groups
    • Support Request ID:
      • 1908778933