Release 91 - August 2021


This release contains the following:

  • New feature
    • Modifications
      • The modification documents
      • What use cases does it solve?
      • Benefits and possibilities

For any questions, please email and we will further assist you.

1. New feature

1.1 Modifications

We present a new type of document in Clausematch that allows organisations to manage deviations to the main documents and solve a number of different use cases, meanwhile retaining governance and control over content, permissions, and workflows.

The modification documents

  • inherit full content from the original document
  • automatically sync with the original document for the latest revisions
  • allow to modify (add/delete/change) original content

Understand how modification features work.

What use cases does it solve?

  1. Create addendums to documents (ex. global/local policies).
    • Give more flexibility for owners of the local policies while controlling all aspects of workflow and business requirements for permissions, approval process, and content changes.
    • The end-user reading published documents can see the required local policy that will contain proper content (from original document and modification), so users do not need to find and switch to different documents to understand what affects them.
  2. Create localized versions of documents (translating documents to languages currently supported in Clausematch.
    • Create connected localized versions that are easy to manage and that will not affect the content of the original document.
  3. Create a temporary version or propose a target version to a document.
  • Create a target version of the original document and discuss proposed changes
  • Work on various drafts at the same time. When the draft is no longer needed, it can be archived.
  • Note: Merging the content from modification into the original document is under.

Benefits and possibilities

  • Create modification without changing the main document.


  • Set current document as a modification for an existing document.


  • Set separate permissions.


  • Set separate release cycles.
  • Separately manage publication of modifications.


  • Easily identify information that is related to you.


  • Automatically set owners of the original documents to be approvers of modifications.


  • Easily view information about available modifications for the original document and status.


  • Control all content changes.


  • Easily identify and apply changes between modification and original document.
