Release 92 - September 2021


This release contains the following:

    New features
    1. Policy Portal
    • More consistent design for Library page
    • Tuning of the search algorithms
    • Paragraphs preview in the search results
    • Autocomplete search for documents: "Document Suggestions"

    2. Integrations

    • Document Vault: Export of Index files
    Bug fixes & improvements
    3. Content Management

    For any questions, please email and we will further assist you.

    New features

    1. Policy Portal

    The ability to search and quickly find the most relevant documents in Policy Portal is crucial. We have started a series of improvements to our search to empower users with an improved search experience.

    1.1 More consistent design for Library page


    We have added improvements to the Library page.

    Now there will be only a single search bar to help you to search across all documents and content.

    We removed displaying documents inside categories to make this functionality easier to use and help you to navigate to the required folder.

    We also made applied filters more visible and displayed the "Add filter" button near the search bar.

    1.2 Tuning of the search algorithms

    We are working on optimizing our search algorithms.

    Previously the fuzzy search logic was returning too many references to similar words, impacting the overall search experience.

    We adjusted this mechanic so that it will now help you search for exact phrases only, removing similar wordings from the search results.

    1.3 Paragraphs preview in the search results


    Before, we showed documents and previews of all paragraphs that matched the search results as an expanded list. This made a lot of noise, especially when all you wanted was to find a specific document.

    To make the search results cleaner, we hid the paragraphs previews, and now simply display information about a number of matches at the paragraph level.

    When you click on the information, the document will open and search results will be highlighted in those paragraphs.

    1.4 Autocomplete search for documents: "Document Suggestions"


    A new and improved way to navigate to the documents that you know.

    While you are typing in the search bar, exact document titles will be searched and suggestions made to a few document recommendations for quick navigation.

    You will get to the desired documents faster without the need to load a full list of results.

    2. Integrations

    2.1 Document Vault: Export of Index files

    We support periodic synchronization of internally stored documents to dedicated AWS S3 storage in human-readable files (DOCX, PDF, and PDF audit report). Access to these files can be performed with AWS S3 API or AWS SFTP adapter.

    We have updated document naming. So now it also includes the following document statuses: Draft, Released, Published.

    We also added the generation of an Index file in CSV format. This Index file represents the current state of the documents on the platform and contains the document's system metadata.

    Bug fixes & improvements

    • Added consistent design for all buttons on the platform
    • Added a new role Portal Publisher that allows to publish documents in the Policy Portal.

    Content Management

    • Fixed a bug that caused a constant loader when attaching a file to document.
    • Fixed a bug that caused timeline events not to be displayed on the Paragraph Timeline after the paragraph was approved.
    • Fixed a bug that caused a paragraph to have incorrect level and numbering after Docx import.
    • Fixed a bug that prevented adding a group as paragraph/document approver.