Release 99 - February 2022


This release contains the following:

  • New features
    • Policy Management
      • Paste multiple paragraphs
      • Manage created paragraphs
      • Choose your paste options
      • Easily insert links
  • Bug fixes & improvements
    • Policy Management

For any questions, please email and we will further assist you.


New features

1. Policy Management

We have started improving the editing experience on our platform to make it easy to use and help you to manage content faster.

1.1 Paste multiple paragraphs


Now you can insert multiple paragraphs by single paste operation. We will automatically detect if you copied several paragraphs and suggest two options to paste this content: 1) paste all content in the current CM paragraph, or 2) create multiple CM paragraphs and paste content there.

Paste Multiple Paragraphs

1.2 Manage created paragraphs


With an Editor role in the document, you can delete your paragraphs in the current revision without a Document Owner's help. Previously only users with Document Owner roles could remove the paragraph completely.

Delete a Paragraph

1.3 Choose your paste options


Now you can control paste options and choose your default option. You can choose to "keep source formatting" so that the text will retain its format from its original source. Or to "paste without formatting", so the text will use the formatting from the Clausematch editor. We also provided the context buttons that allow you to specify how the content should be formatted after a paste operation.

Paste a Single Paragraph

1.4 Easily insert links


We provided a quicker way of inserting links in the document. If you select a text and apply paste operation that contains only URL - we will convert this text into a hyperlink that redirects to the URL. If you simply paste the content containing only the URL, we will paste it as a link, not as plain text.

Insert Links

Bug fixes & improvements

Important bug that was fixed

Policy Management

  • Fixed a bug that caused incorrect heading Text styles to be configured when a document was uploaded to the platform