Share your Portal Collection


  • Overview
  • Pre-conditions
  • Steps
  • Notes


After creating your custom collection, you can share it to a users, groups, Portal roles, or to everyone on the Policy Portal.

This helps focus on essential documents and ensures that the right people can access the right collection.


After, they can subscribe to it in order to get notified via email on a regular basis of any changes (new versions or new documents entirely) made to any of the documents that would be included* in your collection.


  • System Level Permissions (any): 'Portal manager', 'Portal publisher'
  • For Invite - to invite Policy Portal roles, you need the 'Portal manager' system permission.
  • For public - you need the 'Portal manager' system permission.


  1. Click on the Documents tab in the top pane.
  2. Select your custom collection in the collections sidebar
  3. Click on the access button .
  4. Select any of the following access types:
    1. Private - Available only to you.
    2. Invite - Available to you and others.
      1. Search and select user/user group/policy portal role to invite.
      2. Select their role (Read or Edit collection).
      3. (Optional): Remove any users/user groups/policy portal roles.
    3. All Users - Available to all users on the Policy Portal.
      1. If you need a collection editor, search and select user/user group/policy portal role to invite.
      2. (Optional): Remove any users/user groups/policy portal roles.
  5. Click Apply.


New Change

  • If a document is added to the collection, not through being published within the ongoing subscription cycle but by matching the criteria (e.g. filters) needed to be included in the collection, it will not count as a new change, so it won't be included in the subscription email.