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View and Manage Support Tickets

Table of Contents

  • Registration

  • Login

  • View All Your Tickets
  • View and Reply to any Ticket
  • Status Definitions


First, you would have received a registration email to our Ticket Portal, in which you can simply click on Create password to proceed.

Your email address is already filled up, so just enter the password you want to create.

Just like that, you're fully registered in our Ticket Portal!


You can now login with the details from the registration page, and after, you'll be brought to our Help Center, in which you can click at the top right Go to customer portal, and be immediately logged in the Ticket Portal.

View All Your Tickets

Once signed in, you'll be presented with a table of tickets you either have submitted yourself or were included in (CC'd).

The following information will be displayed for each ticket through the columns:

  • Ticket ID;
  • Subject;
  • Created;
  • Last Activity;
  • Status*.

You'll be able to search tickets using the search bar.

You can also filter tickets by using either of the following found at the top of the tickets table:

  • View - Choose whether to select only tickets you created, or more to that, tickets created by any user in your organization.
  • Status - Choose what tickets to include based on their current status, whether they're pending on support or on the ticket submitter.

View and Reply to any Ticket

By clicking into any one of the tickets, you'll be brought to the ticket's page where you can view the conversation thread, reply, and view information of the ticket.

Status Definitions

Each ticket status indicates a different action that is currently occurring within the ticket to progress the resolution to closure.

Note that these are defined mainly in the scope of problems/bugs resolution, other issues such as Product Suggestions and Requests also use some of the stages below.

Please find below the list of statuses and their definitions:

Status Definition
Support Team (Notified) The ticket is in the ticket queue and the support agent will start investigating it.
Waiting on Customer (Initial Information) Ticket progression is pending on the customer's reply with information for preliminary investigation.
Support Team (Triaging) The support agent decides whether functionality behavior needs clarification from the Product Team.
Product Team The Product Team is researching what the expected behavior is for the particular functionality.
Support Team (Investigating) The support agent has received all preliminary information and are investigating further.
Technical Team

More technical assistance is required, so the Technical Team will be included in the investigation.

In the scope of a Request as the issue type when submitting the support form, the Technical Team would be reviewing the request or potentially even accepting and working on the request.

Support Team (Information Request)

The Technical Team requires additional details to support the preliminary information.

The Support Agent will include the request for information in their email to the client, along with any other relevant contextual details necessary for resolving the entire issue (e.g., addressing a secondary question alongside the main issue).

Waiting on Customer (Additional Information) The additional information request, along with any other contextual information, has been sent to the customer and the ticket is now pending on their response.
Support Team (Liaising) The additional information has been provided by the customer and now the support agent will relay it to the Technical Team.
Technical Team (Investigating) The Technical Team have all information needed to fully and further investigate. 
Development Team The Development Team are either triaging or fixing the bug as well as the release version its contained in.
Deployment Team The fix and the containing release version are complete, and are now awaiting an agreed upon deployment schedule that is to be coordinated between our Deployment Team and the customer key contacts.
Support Team (Fix Validation)
The support agent will perform one any of the following actions:
  • ask the customer for validation of either the permanent fix and/or interim fix.
  • clarify the functionality behavior to the customer and provide any workarounds, if any, as well as offering, if applicable, a Product Suggestion to be submitted with the customer's feedback.
Waiting on Customer (Fix Validation)
The ticket is pending on the customer to either:
  • validate the permanent fix and/or interim fix.
  • provide any questions they have on the functionality behavior clarification, as well as any potential workaround, and if applicable their Product Suggestion to be submitted by the support agent to the Product Team.
Closed Issue is deemed to be either resolved by the customer's confirmation or the customer hasn't responded so the ticket closes.