Add, Edit and Delete a Title Page


  • Overview
  • Pre-conditions
  • Steps
  • Notes


Find more information on how to add and delete a title page in Clausematch.


  • Document Level Permission: 'Owner', 'Editor'.


Add Title Page:

  1. Click on Insert from the menu bar.
  2. Select Title Page*.

Edit Title Page:

  1. Click on title page and edit information.

Delete Title Page:

  1. Point to the drop-down arrow in the upper left corner of the title page to access the title page menu.
  2. Select Delete Title Page.
  3. Select Archive to delete title page permanently or Restore to cancel the deletion*.


  • On the Policy Portal document counterpart, the title page will be the 1st page, and thus will have a page break after.
  • The title page does not have a header or footer.
  • The archived/deleted title page cannot be restored.