Apply Text Formatting


  • Overview
  • Pre-conditions


Find more information on how to use the text editor toolbar to edit the formatting on documents.


Button(s) Description

Undo or redo text changes.

Apply the heading style.

Apply the font style.

Apply the font size.

Make the font bolditalicunderlinedstrikethroughsubscript, superscript, change the font colour or highlight text.

Align text rightcentre or left.

Insert bulleted or numbered lists.

Indent or outdent the text.

Insert linktable or image.

Clear formatting.

Select Editing to edit documents (How to Edit a Document)

Select Suggesting to suggest edits (How to Work with Suggested Changes)

Select Viewing for read-only mode (How to Review a Document)

Turn suggestions on and off.

Turn spellcheck on and off.


  • Document Level Permission: 'Owner', 'Editor'.