Approve or Reject a Document or Paragraph


  • Overview
  • Pre-conditions
  • Steps
  • Video Walkthrough
  • Supplementary Information


Find more information on how to approve or reject a document or paragraph in Clausematch.


  • Document Level Permission: 'Owner', 'Editor', 'Reviewer'.
  • User or user group have been added as an approver.


Approvals Tab Method:

  1. Click on the Your approvals bell icon on the right sidebar.
  2. Select Reject or Approve*.
  • (Optional): If a document or paragraph is accepted, provide an optional approval note and/or click Approve.
  • If a document or paragraph is rejected, provide a reason for rejection and click Reject.

Document Activity Method:

  1. Click on the Document activity icon on the right sidebar.
  2. Click Approvals.
  3. Select Document or Paragraphs.
  4. Select Reject or Approve*.
  5. (Optional): If a document or paragraph is accepted, provide an optional approval note and/or click Approve.
  6. (Optional): If a document or paragraph is rejected, provide a reason for rejection and click Reject.

Paragraph Activity Method:

  1. Click on the Paragraph activity icon on the right sidebar*.
  2. Click Approvals.
  3. Select Reject or Approve*:
  4. (Optional): If a paragraph is accepted, provide an optional approval note and/or click Approve.
  5. (Optional): If a paragraph is rejected, provide a reason for rejection and click Reject.

Video Walkthrough


Supplementary Information

If a user or user group is:

  • document approver, users will be asked to review and approve the whole document;
  • paragraph approver, users will see the preview of a paragraph which requires approval. To be redirected to the paragraph that requires approval, click on the highlighted paragraph preview. Users will also see a timer icon next to the paragraph which requires approval.


If a document is rejected, users have to provide a reason for rejection before completing their action.

Once you either approve or reject, the document user who added you as an approver would receive an email notification that includes a note if you left one, so it can be an opportunity to provide them further instructions on how to proceed with the document.



Document Approval Influence on Paragraph Approvals

Accepting a document approval automatically accepts all pending paragraph approval requests.

Approval Reset/Removal Triggers

  • Accepted stage approvals can be reset if any of the following actions occur:
    • Document approvals:
      • A paragraph gets archived.
      • Paragraph gets added and text is entered in it.
      • Document moves back to or past the corresponding stage.
    • Corresponding paragraph approvals:
      • A paragraph gets deleted (not archived).
      • A paragraph gets restored (approvals can be still be requested on deleted but not archived paragraphs).
      • A paragraph's content changes.
  • 'Reverse' actions (such as restoring a deleted paragraph that initially had an accepted approval) does not return the original state of the approval.
  • An accepted paragraph approval gets removed if the document moves back to the corresponding stage or past it.
  • The stage approvals do not get reset when the document's attached template releases a new version.
  • Parent/child paragraphs' approvals do not get reset if their child/parent paragraphs' content gets changed.