Configure Policy Portal for your Users


  • Pre-conditions
  • Overview
  • Notes


  • System Level Permission: 'System Administration'


Platform wide changes can be applied across several functionalities so as generally to apply it to all users.

This article focuses on configuration of the functionalities found solely within the Policy Portal module:

  • Home Page
  • Dashboard
  • Attestations
  • Q&A

For other functionalities that are found either solely in the Policy Management or are shared across both Policy Management and Policy Policy, please visit their respective articles.

Home Page

The Home Page provides users with access to all important information in one self-customizable place. It offers a quick overview of key documents and recent changes on the platform, enhancing user efficiency and organisation.

The page tab can be shown/hidden from the Portal menu with the Screenshot 2024-07-31 at 4-46-26 PM-png master toggle.

The Intro Message, the message that appears at the top of that page, can also be adjusted with a rich text editor*.

4.5 intro message


The Dashboard is a customisable collection of document widgets that allows users to view documents based on various filters, providing a tailored and efficient document overview.

This tab can be configured to either show or hide.


The Attestations feature allows portal managers and publishers to create and manage attestations for documents.
This feature ensures that documents are reviewed by the required group of users, maintaining document integrity and compliance.
This feature can be enabled/disabled*.

Questions and Answers

Questions and Answers enable users to ask and answer questions about documents. This feature fosters collaboration and clarity by allowing users to discuss and clarify document details.

Screenshot 2024-08-02 at 3.11.38 PM

Any questions a user has asked will appear for that user and document users designated to answer in their Questions tab.

This feature and its tab can be showed/hidden through its Screenshot 2024-07-31 at 4-46-26 PM-png toggle.


Document Activity

  • Attestation activities still show and can be exported even if the attestations feature is disabled.

Intro Message

  • Portal users can show/hide this message through their "Set Up View" tool.