Create Data Connections


  • Overview
  • Pre-conditions
  • Steps
  • Supplementary Information
  • Notes


Find more information on how to create data connections in Clausematch.

Data connections can be made at three distinct levels between documents:
  • document to document.
  • paragraph to document.
  • paragraph to paragraph. 


  • Document Level Permission: 'Owner', 'Editor', 'Reviewer'.
  • Platform Configuration: The Connections feature has to enabled


  1. Click +Connection or switch to the Connections tab in the right sidebar
  2. Search documents in the Connect to Documents search bar
  3. Click on the document name.
    1. To connect document to document:
      1. Click on the document name in the list
    2. To connect document/paragraph to document/paragraph:
      1. Click on the split view icon to the right of the document name.
      2. For the document on the left, select either:
        1. The whole document by hovering your mouse to the left of the document's name and clicking on the connect icon
        2. A paragraph by hovering your mouse to the left of the paragraph and clicking on the connect icon
      3. For the document on the right, select any of the following:
        1. The whole document by hovering your mouse to the left of the document's name and clicking on the connect icon
        2. A paragraph by hovering your mouse to the left of the paragraph and clicking on the connect icon .
        3. Click Save.

Supplementary Information

View and Connect Mentioned Documents in the Content

If your document contains links that point to other documents in the Clausematch platform, then there is a list of those referenced documents to which you can decide to connect to.

Tagging a Data Connection

You can tag a data connection by:

  1. Hovering your mouse over the data connection.
  2. Clicking on the ... button.
  3. Clicking on Add tags.
  4. Typing out and selecting the tag.
  5. (Optional): Repeating step 4 until all tags have been added.
  6. Clicking Save.

View and compare Metadata fields and values

When splitting the view across 2 documents, you will be able to see the metadata fields and values that both documents have to help you decide on whether to create a data connection or not.


View and Connect Mentioned Documents in the Content

  1. Counters will display only a unique number of documents that are not connected.
  2. The feature does not automatically create connections but only provides suggestions. You will need to manually confirm and establish the connections.

Data Connections

  • If Document A has an ongoing data connection to a template, and a DOCX file is used to upload Document B that is assigned to that same template, then Document A will automatically have a data connection to Document B created.
    • The uploader will be who the system chooses to be behind the automatic data connection creation.