Edit a Snippet


  • Overview
  • Pre-conditions
  • Steps
  • Notes


Snippets have many of the same features as regular documents such as: editing, audit trail, suggestions, comments and approvals. However, snippets do not have a configurable workflow.

The major difference is that once a snippet was published and shared, other users will be able to insert this snippet into their documents.

If a snippet owner updates the original snippet, the same changes will apply to snippets that were inserted into documents.

To update a snippet, users will need to draft a new version of the snippet, make changes and rerelease


  • System Level Permission: 'Create Documents', 'System Administration'.


  1. Click Move to Draft.
  2. Select Draft*.
  3. Select Minor or Major snippet version number.
  4. Click Move to stage.
  5. (Optional): Add a note.
  6. Click Confirm.
  7. Make edits.
  8. Click Move to stage.
  9. Select Release.
    1. (Optional):
      1. Change snippet title.
      2. Update snippet version number.
      3. Set Release Date (in case the snippet was released in the past).
  10. Click Continue.
    1. (Optional): Update metadata fields.
  11. Click Continue.
    1. (Optional): Select a category to map a snippet to and tick the box next to the category name.
  12. Click Complete.
  13. (Optional): Add a note.
  14. Click Confirm.
