Manage your Policy Management Collections


  • Overview
  • Pre-conditions
  • Steps
  • Supplementary Information


What is a Collection?

To better help organize documents for your different viewing needs in Policy Management, you can create, edit, share, and manage collections.

A collection is a group of documents that match a specified set of parameters and are presented under a specified view:

  • Parameters:
    • Search query
    • Search filters
    • Categories selected
  • View:
    • List or Table mode
      • Table: Columns included and in what order
    • Sorting
    • Number of documents per page 

As can be seen above in the left pane, there are 2 types of collections:

  • System - Can't be adjusted for every other Policy Management user, however it can adjusted for yourself.
  • Custom - Can be adjusted for every other Policy Management user who has been shared access to the collection if you have the Can edit collection-level permission.


After creating a collection, you can share it to other Policy Management users/groups that you believe can benefit of the specified set of documents for their review and actioning.


You can also manage the collections you either created or have access to in the Collections tab.

Here you have a table view of accessible collections with useful information for each one such as:

  • its owner
  • its description
  • who has access to it
  • whether it shows the progress of stages (what % of documents in the collection have been released and consequently the % that are still in draft)

If you have been granted read access to a collection, you can duplicate it as well as copy a link to it.

You have additional actions available if you created or have been given edit access, so you can manage access to, edit, or remove the collection.

Lastly, you can export the table to a CSV file in however way you configured it (including/excluding columns, ordering, and pinning columns) by clicking on Export Table.


  • System level permissions (any): 'Create Documents', 'Edit Documents', 'Document Manager', 'Create Templates', 'System Administration'
    • To share access to everyone in the Policy Management module, you will need either of the following: 'Document Manager', 'System Administration'
  • Document level permissions for any documents to be included in your collection: Owner, Editor, Reviewer, or Read Released
  • Collection level permission for any collections you want to save changes for yourself and others: Can Edit



  1. Click on +New Collection.
  2. Enter Collection name.
  3. (Optional): Enter Collection description.
  4. Set parameters:
    1. Search:
      1. Which part of document content:
        1. In titles & content
        2. In titles
      2. Advanced text search
        1. And this exact phrase
        2. And all of these words
        3. And any of these words
        4. And none of these words
    2. Filters:
      1. Metadata filters (e.g. Last modified by)
      2. System filters (e.g. Version type)
      3. Show restricted documents (only for Document Managers and System Administrators)
    3. Categories

  5. Set the view:
    1. List or Table mode Screenshot 2024-07-23 at 5.21.31 PM
      1. Table:
        1. What columns to include
        2. What order those columns should be
        3. What columns to pin left/right
    2. Results order method
  6. (Optional): Toggle on Stages Progress Screenshot 2024-07-23 at 5-26-22 PM-png-1
    1. This is a bar that shows how many documents in the collection have been released.
  7. Click Create.


  1. Select collection from left pane.
  2. Adjust parameters and/or view.
  3. (Optional): If you created the collection or were granted access to it with Can edit level permission, you can save the adjusted changes for everyone who has access to the collection by clicking on Update Collection.


  1. Select collection from left pane.
  2. Click on the collection access icon.
  3. Select between:
    1. Private - Only accessible to you.
    2. Invite Only - Specify users or groups with either Can View or Can Edit.
    3. All Users - All users who have access to Policy Management.
  4. Click Apply.


  1. Navigate to the Collections tab.
  2. Locate the collection and click the icon on the right most column.
  3. Choose any of the actions:
    1. Copy Link
    2. Duplicate
    3. If you have edit access to the collection:
      1. Share
      2. Edit
      3. Remove
  4. (Optional): Toggle on or off the Stages progress checkbox Screenshot 2024-07-23 at 5-26-22 PM-png-1
    1. This is a bar that shows how many documents in the collection have been released.

Supplementary Information

Collections View

You can drag and drop your custom collections to fit your preference.

Screenshot 2024-07-25 at 14.03.23

You can even hide/unhide collections.


You can make use of particular system filters to craft a granular set of documents to know what documents to prioritize.

These particular system filters are:

  • Version type:
    • In Work - If in draft, the document version shows
    • Released - The last released version of the document shows (even if the document is currently in draft)
  • Owner - This can be set to you or any other user
  • Newly shared with user - Any documents that were shared to you and not opened yet
  • Approval type (consider using this with the 'Approvers' filter):
    • Pending
    • Rejected
    • Approved
  • Approvers (consider using this with the 'Approval type' filter) - This can be set to you or any other user
  • Stage age - Number of days the document has been in the current stage

Select Reset Filters & View to return the collection to its original saved state.