Release 2024 Q2


This quarter release contains the following:

For any questions, please email and we will further assist you.


Summary Changes

  1. A central feature of this release is the Collections functionality.
    This tool is specifically crafted for managers, allowing them to tailor the scope of documents required for review by different user groups. This personalisation simplifies the process for users to find and engage with the Documents they need to Read, ensuring they stay updated with the latest changes and information related to their roles.
  2. Another significant enhancement is the Access Search from Any Page feature. This allows users to effortlessly find necessary documents from any location within the Portal, significantly reducing the time they spend searching and allowing them to return to previous documents more quickly.
  3. A pivotal addition to this upgrade is introducing a user-centric Landing Page designed to streamline the user experience.
    This intuitively structured page will highlight immediate and upcoming activities, significantly enhancing user navigation and interaction with the portal and helping answer the question: What do I need to do?

    This change is pivotal in ensuring users can quickly identify and prioritise their activities on the portal.


🧿 New features

1. Collections 🗄️


A new way to organise your documents for better work organisation.

With this feature, you can create, manage, and share filtered searches with a specific set of users or groups. If you frequently look for documents that fit certain criteria, you can now save that search as a Collection with a chosen title and even specify the query, filters, sorting, and view. Once saved, you can share this collection with others, making information sharing within your team much more efficient.

Have a running list of documents required in your work? Save the search as a Collection and have it readily accessible.

Moreover, this feature also allows you to track any changes made in the documents saved in your Collection. Stay updated with newer versions, document additions, changes in reading progress, and more.

⚡️ 1.1 Organise your documents into Collections

You can now comfortably save, view and manage your collections of documents based on specified filters, search queries, etc. You can label and describe them according to your own understanding to easily recall them later.

In addition to your personal collections, you can also see system collections such as 'All documents', 'Favourite', 'Ready to Publish', and 'Published'. All these collections will be neatly organised in a left-hand sidebar for swift access.

You can create, for example:

  • Collection of important documents according to your Role
  • Collection of Frequently used documents
  • Collection of documents that are required for your specific project

Organize your Documents into a Collection



  • Use Cases:
    • Convenient saving and retrieval of filter-based searches.
    • Easier and quicker access to your frequently used documents.
    • Efficient management and categorisation for better work organisation.
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • We will also present system collections that will replace folders:
      • All documents
      • Favourite
    • For managers:
      • Ready to Published
      • Published
    • ‼️ We also ensure that new changes in our Portal UI align with accessibility required that we support.
  • Limitations:
    • What Items will be stored in a collection:
      1. Collection:
        1. Title
        2. Description
        3. View progress option
        4. Share settings
      2. Selected filters and search query:
        1. Advance search options
      3. Sorting
      4. Selected categories
        1. State of the categories sidebar - open/closed
      5. Document view state: List of Table view
        1. Table view configurations:
          1. Columns
          2. Columns order
          3. Columns property:
            1. Pinned state
            2. Size
    • ‼️ Every time when we detect changes in any of the above options, the system will show Reset and Update buttons that you can use to quickly return back to the original configuration of the collection or update the collection to a new state.
    • ‼️ Will not be saved
      1. Collection sidebar - we store the state separately
      2. Minimised state of the Collection panel
      3. ‼️ Show on page selector - number of results per page

1.2 Share Collections

With our new feature, you can share Collections with different groups of users.

You can restrict or grant access to your collections based on specific users, groups, or Portal roles.

This helps focus on essential documents and ensures that the right people can access the right collection. This allows you to designate viewing access to the documents you deem necessary for a specific group.

Not only can you pick specific users or groups, but you can also select by portal roles. This all depends on your individual needs and conditions.

Share your Collection


  • Use Case:
    • Control information flow and ensure the right people have quick access to the right documents.
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • The editor of the collection can choose one of the options based on the conditions:
      • Private - when a user creates from scratch or duplicates a collection, it will be accessible only to them.
      • Invite Only - The user can specify what users will be able to view and what users will be able to edit the collection:
        • Select specific users.
        • Select specific groups.
        • Select portal Roles: 'Portal Manager', 'Portal Publisher', 'Portal User'.
          • !! Note: This option will be available only for the Portal Manager role.
      • Public - share it with all users that have access to the Portal, as well as specify what users will be able to edit the collection:
        • ‼️ Note: This option will be available only for the Portal Manager role.
    • Users can easily identify the type of collections (private, invite-only or public) on any page:
      • Collection Card
      • Collection View
      • Collections page
    • Owner collection - who created a collection

⚡️ 1.3 Subscribe for changes in Collections

With this new update, you can now stay up to date on your most relevant policy changes directly from your inbox.

You can subscribe to a given collection of documents to get notifications of new document additions or version changes. Plus, you get the freedom to define your notification cadence and schedule, tailoring your updates to your convenience. And if you ever feel overwhelmed, you can always unsubscribe.

Subscribe for Changes in your Collection


  • Use Cases:
    • Efficient tracking of important document changes.
    • Facilitated communication about document updates.
    • Enabling proactive knowledge management.
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • We suggest turning off the “Added to document” Notification setting for users if they start using collections.
      With collections, they can use better ways to adjust notifications. If they need to subscribe to all documents, they can use the system collection “All documents” to subscribe to such changes.

      We will not remove the “Added to document” Notification setting for now because it will help managers engage new users and inform them about the platform and documents before they can adjust this setting. (Please see related changes with notification configuration enforcement - 7.1 Enforce email notifications setting to your users )

  • Limitations:
    • Subscription works according to the period set by the user. I.e. if the user has set a week and the documents will be filtered by publication date: current date - 7 days.

      ‼️ Due to the fact that the date filter does not support time, it is possible that a document may appear in the mail 2 times.

      For example, a user configured a notification to be sent at 12 o'clock in the afternoon. At 11 o'clock the document was published and it was notified. The next day it will also be in the e-mail because the search is performed in documents that were published from 00:00 start of the period to the present time.

⚡️ 1.4 View reading progress by Collections

You can now easily track your reading progress. It tells you exactly how many documents you've already read and how many are still pending.

Ideal for ensuring compliance, this feature acts like a checklist, enabling you to keep track of your reading tasks in a much more organised and efficient manner. Not just that, it also allows you to glance at the number of unread documents, new documents, and new versions, providing you insight into your remaining tasks.

Search Published Documents



  • Use cases:
    • Management of reading compliance
    • Monitoring the progress of document readings
    • Improved productivity and time management for staff members
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • The editors of the Collection can set “View Progress” options to show reading progress for each user with access to this collection.

      Users will see a progress bar indicating overall progress - for example, 10 documents were read from 20. They can view this information:

      • On Collection Sidebar
      • On Collection itself
      • On Home page
    • ‼️ In all Collections (as well as systems), we will present new interactive indicators:
      • Number of Unread documents
      • Number of New Documents
      • Number of New Versions
  • Limitation:
    • ‼️ View Progress and other indicator counters will not be recalculated after the new unsaved filters are applied.

1.5 Manage All Your Collections

With these improvements, you will quickly access all your created collections on one page. You can easily update, share, delete, and duplicate them.

As a portal manager, you can easily review all public collections and adjust them according to your organisation's needs.

Manage your Collections



  • Use Case:
    • Seamless Collections management

2. Search 🔍


We improve your access to search functionality.

⚡️ 2.1 Access Search anywhere on the Portal

You no longer need to navigate back to specific pages to initiate searches.
Now, you can use our new universal search function from anywhere within the Portal module.

Quickly access the search bar using shortcuts, revisit recently opened documents, and enjoy the convenience of efficient search results. We've also ensured that your last typed query and filters persist until manually cleared or until you start a new session, making your navigation experience more efficient.

Search Published Documents2.1-2


  • Use Cases:
    • Quick navigation to the desired information

    • Fast return to recently opened documents

    • Time-saving on frequent searches by retaining the last query and filters

  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • The persistence of search inputs and filters is reset upon starting a new session (for example, the next day) or by manual user clearance.
    • We will show only 40 of the last opened documents.
    • When users type in the search bar, we will show 3 Best Match documents that match strict rules = they have the exact sequence of symbols in the document title.
    • Users can navigate by keyboard:
      • arrow up/down to navigate through the results
      • enter - to open the document in the same window
      • shift+enter - to open the document in another window
  • Limitations:
    • The Mac: 'Command+K' or Windows: “Win +K” shortcut only works within the Policy Portal module.
    • ‼️ No matches in modification paragraphs in the document card will be presented.

3. New Home 🏠


This is a new home where you can start your journey on the Portal. It will help you find what you need to do.

This personalised home brings the information that matters to you at your fingertips.

By choosing important data to display, you can get all the information you need at a glance. Gone are the days of feeling lost or overwhelmed when first signing in.

You can see a quick summary of the most important details related to you, view the overall reading progress, and review the following unread documents or new versions.

Additionally, you can quickly navigate to your Collections or previously opened documents, making it faster and easier to access relevant documents based on your role, department, or other specific search parameters.

🧑🏻‍💻  Via Support or CS teams, this Home page could be turned off/on as well as be a starting page for users

⚡️ 3.1 Your Personal Space on Portal - New Home Page

With this new release, you can now keep track of your recent documents, favourite policies, and document Collections all in one place at your new "Home" tab. We've also added a "What To Do" section so you can stay on top of your reading progress and important tasks.

You now have the ability to get an overview of all changes made since your last visit. Be it new documents, new versions, or updates from Collections, stay updated with each login, ensuring nothing escapes your attention.

Staying up to date with your document readings is now just a click away!

Your Home Page



  • Use Cases:
    • Revisiting recent documents: Save time searching through documents by accessing your most recently opened documents right from the Home page.
    • Navigate to favourite documents: Get immediate access to your favourites in one place.
    • Navigate to Collections: See your document collections, easily accessible right from the Home page.
    • Know the latest updates with the 'What to Do' section outlining all unread documents
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • Structure of the Home page:
      • Greetings to the current user with the information when the user logged in last time
      • Shortcut to access quick search
      • Recent documents
        • up to 6 recent documents sorted: Viewed Date
      • Favourites documents
        • up to 5 favourite documents sorted: Alphabetically
      • Collections
        • Up to 6 collections sorted: Alphabetically
        • !! Only custom collections. System collections (like all documents, published, etc.) will be hidden.
      • What To Do section
        • Up to 15 unread documents filtered by Collections and Publications date
  • Limitations:
    • Configuration - 🧑🏻‍💻 via a request to the Support or CS teams:
      • This page can be Turned on/ Off.
        • By default, this page will be turned on
      • This page can be the starting page for users.
    • ‼️ By the last login date, we mean the first previous date the user logged into the platform.

      The reason is that the default inactive timeout after login is 30 minutes, so if you return after login in 31 minutes, you won’t see the previous state.
    • ‼️ What happens when the user selects Collection with Publication date filter: We will override this filter Value based on what is selected on the Landing page.

3.2 Customise your Home Page

This new feature gives you a personalised experience every time you log in.

We've added a handy feature that allows you to configure and save the display state of different sections, such as recent documents, favourites, collections, and documents to read. Having these features at the tip of your fingers can help you manage your policies more efficiently.

Your Home Page


  • Use cases:
    • Focus on the required things for you.
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • You can change the order of sections as well as hide some widgets to ensure that you focus on the most relevant information.

4. Document Repository 📂 


We introduce several enhancements to improve the consumption of information on the Portal. This will enable you to find key information more quickly.

Like getting instant previews of the document metadata, insights like last viewed time, read status and more layout options for your document list.

🚀 Policy Portal View 2.0

A new way to view your documents and organise them in Collections with a Collections panel, Collection information panel, Category panel, and Document view. All these items can be collapsed/expanded to suit your current needs and help you focus on the required information

4.1 View Last Viewed time and Read Status of the documents

You can now determine whether a document has been read and view the timestamp of the last access.

Search Published Documents



  • Use cases:
    • Quick identification of unread documents
    • Tracking the last access of specific documents
  • Limitations:
    • ‼️ Read status will be captured based on whether the user opens the document.
    • The last viewed time and read status updates might not be instantaneous and might need a few minutes to reflect.

4.2 View changes of a document: New version, New Document

We introduce new information about documents that lets you keep track of changes. Our system will directly indicate if a new version of a document you've previously read is available or if there's a completely new document accessible to you.

Search Published Documents



  • Use cases:
    • Stay updated on new versions of documents
    • Quick access to recently published policies 
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • Available in list and table views
    • ‼️ Labels calculate depend on the user Read status:
      • New version - the user didn't read this version but has access to the previous document versions and read them
      • New Documents - the user didn't have access to this document, and now it is available to them
    • Reset collection button has been redesigned in patches 144.6+ to stand out more positionally and has been renamed to Reset Filters & View.

4.3 View document access level

Get more control over your document access with our new feature. You can now identify the accessibility of your policy documents right at the initial view.

This feature lets you see if a document is set to public or private visibility straight from the list and table views.

Manage Access to Published Documents



  • Use cases:
    • Quick identification of document visibility type
    • Efficient filtering and sorting of policy documents based on visibility
  • Reset collection button has been redesigned in patches 144.6+ to stand out more positionally and has been renamed to Reset Filters & View.

⚡️ 4.4 Use new filters to focus on the right documents

No more browsing through large piles of documents. You can now filter documents by when they were last viewed, read status, whether they are marked as favourites, if new versions are available, and even if they're entirely new documents for you.

As a manager, you can focus on published documents and their access level, like public documents.

This will help you better organise and group your documents in the required collections.

Search Published Documents4.4


  • Use cases:
    • Sorting through unread documents quickly
    • Tracking down recent changes, such as a new version
    • Identifying new documents in the repository
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • Now you can filter documents by new fields:
      • For all users
        • Is Favourite: Can easily filter the list of favourite document
        • Last Viewed time: To get previously opened documents
        • Read Status: To get all Unread or Read documents
        • Changes: To get all New documents or focus on the New version
          • Note: 4.2 View changes of a document: New version, New Document
      • Managers can quickly find
        • Published: Documents that were published on the portal or not
          • Is Public access: Documents that are publicly accessible or restricted (available only for specific groups of users)
    • You can also use shortcuts from the top of the collection: Unread, New Documents, New Versions to set a filter with required options quicker.
    • Reset collection button has been redesigned in patches 144.6+ to stand out more positionally and has been renamed to Reset Filters & View.

4.5 View documents in a Table view

The Portal now offers an enhanced table view feature.

This new interface allows you to quickly access and compare documents and their metadata efficiently at a glance. This upgrade has made sorting through documents easier and more convenient.

Search Published Documents



  • Use cases:
    • A quick comparison of documents and their metadata
    • Efficient sorting of documents based on various parameters
    • Better organization and accessibility of documents
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • Default columns:
      • Title
      • Version
      • Category
      • Published Date
      • Stage
      • Published
        1. Published
        2. Ready to Published
        3. Modification Ready to Published
      • Read Status
      • Changes
        1. New Document
        2. New Version
      • Viewed
      • Favourites
      • Actions
    • Reset collection button has been redesigned in patches 144.6+ to stand out more positionally and has been renamed to Reset Filters & View.

Policy Management

⚡️ 4.6 View progress and approvals insights of your documents

In the new version, you can now see exactly when stage deadlines are due and which approvals are pending right from the document table view. This new feature makes it easier for you to understand and manage your workflow, keep track of deadlines, identify overdue documents, and locate specific approvals by meticulously filtering them for your ease.

With this new upgrade, you now have the ability to better manage and understand the progress of documents. This makes it easier to prioritise work and keep everything running smoothly.

Search Policy Management Documents



  • Use cases:
    • Tracking and management of the document approval process
    • Scheduling and monitoring of stage due dates
    • Streamline workflow by filtering documents based on stage deadlines or approvals
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    •  Stage deadline progress
      • How do we calculate progress:
        • In Draft stage: (Due Date - Current date) / (Due Date - Moved to stage Date = Created date of version)
        • Other stages: (Due Date - Current date) / (Due Date - Moved to stage Date = Completed date of the previous stage)
        • In the Release stage
          • do not show progress
          • do not show formatting
          • show only the value of the Due Date as an exact date - 21.04.2024
      • Formatting colours:
        • 0-50% - green line
        • 50-100% - orange line
        • 100% - read line (when overdue)

      • If there are 0 days left - we will show the "Today" text
    • How we work with groups
      • Search - we will allow to search approvals by group name
        1. Limitation: no search by users in groups for now
      • View in column - group name
      • Progress column - group approval = 1 approval (because current logic is any for group approvals)
      • In details view of approvals:
        1. If pending: Group name
        2. If rejected or accepted: 1. Group name 2. User name who approved/reject
  • Limitations:
    • Document permissions will be considered because a user might have restricted permissions to approval visibility.


4.7 Access key document information in seconds

You can now easily view a document's details simply by hovering over its title or icon. This feature introduces Document Details cards, which provide a snapshot of the vital information related to the document, enhancing your navigation experience and saving you time on clicks.

Search Published Documents

4.7 pp-1

Search Policy Management Documents



  • Use cases:
    • Browsing through document lists with detailed information at a glance
    • Minimising time spent retrieving information for each document
  • Limitations:
    • We will not show Document Details cards on the hover:
      • in any Document, search inputs
      • on Questions page
      • on Attestations page
    • ‼️ There will be no possibility of configuring what fields to display in this Document Details card in this release. By default, in this release, we will show metadata that is filtered by the current Screen of the Document.
    • ‼️ In the following locations, the document version is not available, so the latest version will be displayed:
      • Tasks sidebar
      • Automation > Audit table
      • Compliance tab
      • TOC Link
      • TOC Snippets
      • Tags (Documents, Paragraphs, Connections)
      • Report (Corresponding documents sidebar)

💢 Overview of changes in UI and Text


  1. ‼️ New interface for Documents page on the Portal
  2. ‼️ Q&A and Attestation folders were moved to their own pages
  3. New Search Icon on the Portal pages
  4. New information on the Document Card: Read status of the document, Last viewed time, Access level, Changes: New Document, New Version

All modules

  1. The “Favourite” column will now display as a Star Icon on PM and PP

5. Editor 📄

Policy Management

Continue improving how you work and navigate inside the document and your editing experience.

5.1 Copy-paste images from one document to another without losing permissions

With our new update, you can now copy images from one document to another without worrying about losing respective permissions. Even if your access to the original document is restricted, the transferred images will remain accessible in the new document. Say goodbye to broken image placeholders!

Also, you can now quickly drop an image directly to the right place inside the editor, allowing you to quickly upload your screenshots.

Insert a Table or Image



  • Use cases:
    • Transferring important content, including images, between documents
    • Simplifying and speeding up the document creation process
    • Easy Sharing of screenshot-based images 
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    •  Work in Editing and Suggestion modes
  • Limitation:
    • If user hover over the paragraph that is blocked for editing (for example other user editing this paragraph or it was locked) we will show message that user can not insert image in such paragraph.

5.2 Configure how to view metadata inside the document

You can modify your local configuration to dictate whether metadata is displayed at the top of the document or on the right-side panel.

🧑🏻‍💻  For managers: You can adjust default behaviour via the Support team

Edit Document Metadata



  • Use cases:
    • Streamlined metadata field visibility and management
    • Quick navigation within the editor
    • Enhanced control while editing metadata fields
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • By default, metadata stays on top of the document, and the user can configure it locally across the platform by applying the required view option.
    • ‼️ Default behaviour could be adjusted via a request to Support or CS teams.

❇️ Improvements

‼️ Editor: View information that changes in document content were saved

Inside the editor, we will show a new icon and “saved” information in the top menu, next to the document name, when content was successfully stored on the backend.

‼️ Export: Timestamp for exported files

Imagine how much easier it would be if the filename of any exported report or document activity included the date it was exported. There would be no need to scramble around for that information anymore.

You could keep your files organised and spot the date right at a glance - just one more step towards making your tasks hassle-free!


  • Dependencies:
    • Name of the file:
      • For document activities:
        1. PM: document name v 1_0 activity - march 27 2024 at 12-41.csv
        2. PP: document name v 1_0 user activity - march 27 2024 at 12-41.csv
      • For MI reports
        1. Name of the report - march 27 2024 at 12-41.xlsx
      • Connection report (Excel report)
        1. Document name v 1_0 connections - march 27 2024 at 12-41.csv
      • For document export
        1. Document name v 1_0 - march 27 2024 at 12-41.pdf
  • For Released documents:
    • ‼️ When exporting files from the File > Export to (DOCX, PDF) menu, the old filename will still be used if the document was already in the released stage before this feature was introduced because the file had already been created and cached.
    • ‼️ The document release date will be used instead of the exported date for newly released documents.

Editor / Metadata: Get insights on what fields are in the Metadata Screens when managing Document Layout

On the Document Settings > Layouts tab, we added the ability to view included fields on the chosen Metadata screen.

Editor: Quick option to navigate to the top of the document

Inside the editor, we added a shortcut to scroll to the top of a document.

It will be visible when you scroll the document.

💢 Overview of changes in UI and Text

  1. We added a better view of sections in Metadata - we updated the background to increase contrast and make section names stick when scrolling
  2. We show an unsaved warning on the Document Settings > Layouts if something was not saved and a success message when we applied these changes.

6. Document 📄


We improved visibility and navigation through versions in the document.

6.1 Navigate to a new version of the document

You can now receive notifications about what version of a document you're viewing.

If you open an older document, the top bar will tell you so and give you the option to navigate to the latest version. This makes it easier for you to stay up-to-date with the most recent content, reduce confusion, and improve your productivity.

View and Compare previously Published Versions

6.1 latest version-1


  • Use cases:
    • Avoiding outdated or irrelevant information
    • Ensuring seamless cross-version document navigation
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • Show a new message that the user is viewing an old version
    • ‼️ New indicators in the version selector:
      • Type of version:
        • Current
        • Old
        • Unpublished
      • Version color coding:
        • Minor versions - grey
        • Major versions - dark
    • ‼️ If the back-end feature 'CAN_COMPARE_WITH_ALL_PREV_VERSIONS' is turned off, :
      • For Portal Users, we will show a new dropdown with a version selection
      • The “Compare” toggle will be shown only on the Latest version of a document
    • Go to the latest version button:
      • For User: will lead to the latest published version
      • For Manager: will lead to the latest unpublished version (if it exists)
    • ‼️ Old messages in sidebars were removed.

7. Notifications 📧

Portal | Policy Management

Introduced approach to centrally enforce email settings for users.

7.1 Enforce email notifications setting to your users

🧑🏻‍💻 Available only via Support or CS team

Now, you are empowered to enforce email configurations for all your users on Portal or Policy Management modules. You can now ensure that your communication framework aligns with your business model and everyone stays in the loop effectively.

Settings can be applied to existing users, specific groups, or even platform roles if needed.

Apply Email Notification Settings to your Users


  • Use cases:
    • Provision to apply email configurations for users
    • Offering custom email configurations to specific user groups/roles
    • Enhancing communication efficiency and reducing administration load
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • Email Notification settings can be enforced:
      • To all users
      • To new users - who have never opened the app
      • To specific users or groups
      • To specific Platform Roles - like Portal Managers, Portal Users
  • Limitations:
    • 🧑🏻‍💻 Available only via Support or CS team
    • ‼️ This functionality is only about applying notification settings to existing users. It is not about overriding the default setting.
    • ‼️ When you enforce email notification settings for Portal users, it will only be enforced for those with access to Portal. For those users who do not have access to the Portal at the moment of applying this setting, nothing will happen.

8. Automation ⚡

Portal | Policy Management

More options to customise emails in Automation rules.

8.1 Use more smart values to design your Emails: Link to Portal Document or other Document Metadata

You can now enhance your pathway to better policy management by incorporating Smart Values into your automation rules.

This new feature grants you the ability to email associates a direct link to any policy hosted on the Portal. You can even insert existing metadata fields into the emails, allowing for more customised and informative correspondence.

Configure Automations



  • Use cases:
    • Efficient policy distribution among team members
    • Personalising email communication based on metadata
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • System and custom metadata in Body and Title Email fields will be displayed as follows:
      • Text field → Value of the field
      • Number field → Value of the field
      • Checkbox → Checkbox field name + Value of the field
      • Enum → Value (if multiline: Value, Value)
      • Link → Value
      • User → Full Name + Email
      • Date → Value
  • Limitations:
    • ‼️ The email title will not display selectable metadata such as links or multiline text fields
    • ‼️ If the metadata field has an empty value or was archived (or removed from the Document entity) - we will at least show the name of the metadata field. That way, it will be clearer that there is something wrong with the email.

💢 Overview of changes in UI and Text

  1. A new UI for working with Smart Values is in the Send Email action. On the right sidebar, we will only highlight frequently used smart values, such as links to the documents. To explore all other fields, use “@” inside the Email body or subject.

9. Permissions 🔐

Policy Management

We continue improving bulk operations with documents and provide you with more controls.

9.1 Delete users from documents in bulk

With our latest update, you now have the ability to add and remove multiple users from documents simultaneously.

This feature not only streamlines your work by saving time and effort, it also enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of your leavers and joiners process. Whether you’re a Document Manager or Superadmin, bulk document user management is now at your fingertips.

Manage Access to Policy Management Documents



  • Use cases:
    • Efficient management of users across numerous documents
    • Quick addition or removal of users to existing documents
    • Streamlining leaver and joiner processes
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    •  The order of operations matters: To prevent errors, add/change operations will be applied before any Remove operations.
  • Limitations:
    • ‼️ The system will not allow you to remove all users from a document.
    • Bulk operations that have failed will not be applied to the document.
    • Disabled users cannot be added to a document.
    • At a time, you cannot apply different bulk operations to the same users (like adding and removing at the same time). 

10. Metadata 🧾

Policy Management

❇️ Improvements

‼️ Metadata Screen: Enhanced Deletion Confirmation for Select-Type Fields

While editing a metadata field of select type, the system will now prompt a confirmation reinforcing that if you delete an option, it can't be recreated by entering the same value again without reloading the page.

‼️ Note: If a user accidentally removes an option and then adds it again, the system won’t match the new option just by name, which might cause a lot of work for the end users. In such cases, users should not save changes and just refresh the page.

💢 Overview of changes in UI and Text

  1. We show unsaved warning on the Metadata > Custom field and Screens pages editing forms if something was not saved and a success message when we applied these changes
  2. We also adjust the position of buttons (Save, Delete) to make them consistent on the Custom Field and Screen pages.

    10. Overview of changes

11. Tagging 🏷️

Policy Management

Working to provide you with more insights on content and help you assess document data.

11.1 Explore and analyse all tagged paragraphs

Greater control and visibility are now at your fingertips.

The new feature allows you to easily view, manage, and filter paragraphs with specific tags. It's designed to give you a more straightforward, efficient way to evaluate your data.

Additional key information, such as paragraph section, updated in version, and paragraph updated at and by, should help you streamline the assessment of document data.

View Added Tags across Policy Management


  • Use cases:
    • Improved data management and analysis via paragraph tagging
    • Enhanced navigation through a simplified user interface
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • We introduce a Table view to present a list of paragraphs grouped by documents with the following information:
      1. Document:
        1. Title
        2. Version
        3. Stage
      2. Full paragraph content
      3. Paragraph tags and their tag groups
      4. Nearest paragraph section - nearest heading paragraph.
      5. Updated in version:
        1. Current - if the paragraph was updated in the current version of the document
        2. Previous - if the paragraph was updated in the previously released version of the document
      6. Content updated at
      7. Content updated by
    • ‼️ We remove the “All” tab in because the data presentation is different.
  • Limitations:
    • No sorting capabilities for paragraph metadata will be provided.
    • ‼️ Pagination will be based on the document (not paragraphs).
    • ‼️ Section is a heading paragraph - we take the nearest heading whose level is higher or the same as that of the paragraph:
      1. We will show only text without formatting
      2. If there is no heading - then we show an empty value
    • To show some results, users need to select Tags.

12. Workflow 🦾

Policy Management

Your day-to-day workflow management just got easier.

❇️  Improvements

Workflow: Recalculation of stage deadlines with new template attachment

You're no longer stuck with outdated due dates when you switch templates.

This new feature lets you easily recalculate your stage deadlines immediately when attaching a new template. This eliminates the need for manual adjustments and increases workflow efficiency.

(De)Attach a Document to or from a Template

13. Reporting 📈

Policy Management

Improving Report Accuracy and providing the possibility to extract all connections from the platform.

13.1 Review Metadata related to the selected version in MI reports

You can now access metadata for specific versions of a document rather than the most recent version when generating Management Information (MI) reports.

This means if your custom report was configured to fetch the latest released version of a document, you'll find the metadata associated with that version and not the recent draft.

Configure and Export a Custom Report


  • Use cases:
    • Improving Report Accuracy
    • Streamlined Version Control 
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • We will migrate all reports that have filtered "Released" documents to show metadata from the released version only.

13.2 Download all connections from the Compliance Tab

We introduce a new ability to export the Compliance report view (Document Connections) as a CSV file.

Each row contains a document according to your applied filter, and all its connections are detailed in subsequent columns.

This enables you to easily view and study the connections of your documents in Excel, making data analysis and collaboration with external stakeholders simpler.

Navigate Compliance Dashboard


  • Use cases:
    • Share and collaborate on documents' connection with external stakeholders.
    • Easily analyze the relationships of documents and versions at a glance.
    • Improve traceability and understanding of your documents.
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • Provide a CSV file - “Connections - march 27 2024 at 12-41.csv “ in which every row contains a document according to the applied filter and all its connections on the next columns.:
      • Name of column 1
      • Version
      • Stage
      • DocID
      • Name of column 2
      • Version
      • Stage
      • DocID
      • Name of column 3
      • Version
      • Stage
      • DocID
  • Limitations:
    • If the column name is not specified in UI (like not category or document type), we will use this naming: “Column 1”…
    • ‼️ We will only show connections documents in exported files. So, if you have a paragraph to paragraph connections - we will display the names of the document 

14. Data Retention ⌛️

Policy Management

We are working on helping you comply with your data retention policies and improve data security by eradicating unnecessary sensitive data.

14.1 Permanently delete Documents from the platform

🧑🏻‍💻 Available only via Support or CS team

You now have the ability to declutter and enhance the data management of your platform.

By removing unneeded or outdated documents, you can organise your data better.

Permanently Delete Documents from the Platform


  • Use cases:
    • Seamless Document Management: You can now manage your documents more efficiently by eliminating unwanted documents.
    • Removing test or dummy documents from the application instance.
    • Compliance with Data Retention Policies: Improve your compliance with data retention policies by deleting unneeded documents, reducing potential security risks. 
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • IDs of documents have to be provided if they are to be permanently delete from the platform.
    • ‼️ Deleting a document permanently removes it and cannot be recovered. Always ensure that critical data is backed up before deleting.
    • Deleted documents will not appear in any reports or search results.
    • ‼️ What will be deleted
      • Categories - there will be no such Document-Category
      • All related to this document artefacts will be deleted:
        • Comments
        • Data connections
        • File Attachments
        • Approvals information
        • Document and Paragraph Activity
        • Metadata values
        • Notifications
        • Portal Actions
        • Portal Attestations
        • Portal Q&A
        • Tasks
        • Smart fields
      • All document Versions will be deleted
        • All content (as well as suggestions) in each version will be deleted
      • Information about modifications
      • User Activity report - all records related to this documents
      • From all Reports, information about this document will be removed
  • Limitations
    • Only available via request to our CS or PS teams
    • ‼️ We do not delete:
      1. Templates → due to connections to other documents, template enforcement, locked paragraphs
      2. Snippets → due to usage in other documents
    • Backup data stays untouched on AWS.

15. API 👨‍💻

Providing more data and actions inside current endpoints:

15.1 Enable or Disable User through API

Now, you can enable or disable user access within your systems through the Clausematch API. This means you can automate your user management process, allowing for significant efficiency and time savings.

It doesn’t stop there — to make the process even more efficient, our API supports bulk operations so that you can enable multiple users at once.


Bulk creating/updating/disabling users


  • Use case:
    • Automating user management activities, facilitating bulk user enablement, and integrating user management processes into existing system workflows.
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    •  User Management API
  • Limitations:
    •  ‼️ When the user is disabled, all their platform permissions are removed. To properly enable users, consider also providing the required platform permissions for them.


Bug fixes & improvements

For details on each fix listed below, please visit this details page.

🐞 Important bugs that were fixed

Main Release

Policy Management

  • Fixed an issue where charts didn't display data if there were special symbols (&, -, etc...).
  • Fixed an issue where there was no space between heading number and text in DOCX export.
  • Fixed an issue where there was a discrepancy between category number and search results.
  • Fixed an issue where the tags of data connections overlapped with text of a paragraph.
  • Fixed an issue where there was missing email address for user picker metadata field in MI report.
  • Fixed an issue where Mac screenshots render with blurred resolution after upload.
  • Fixed an issue where a modification can't be created if original document's stages are out of sync with the latest version of a template.
  • Fixed an issue where documents could not be uploaded due to incorrect structure.

Patch 144.6+

Policy Management

  • Fixed an issue where adding approvers to a future stage, directly through the document, resets past approvals.
  • Fixed an issue where archiving a template's associated document prevents active associated documents from being affected by template's automation rules.
  • Fixed an issue where template automations do not work for documents attached post creation.

Policy Portal

  • Fixed an issue where Search is not performed when pressing the 'Enter' key.
  • Fixed an issue where new filters (Changes, Is public access, Is read, Is favourite, Published) don't work in the Attestations and Questions tabs.

💢 Overview of changes in UI and Text

  • When creating/uploading a new document or changing document templates, the order of Templates will be alphabetical.
  • Policy Portal / Collections: Button “Reset Collection” was renamed to “Reset Filters & View
  • Policy Portal / Collections: Position of buttons in collection were adjusted
    • On top of the Collection section
      1. Invite only
      2. Edit
      3. Update Collection
      4. Expand
    • In the middle
      1. Subscribe
      2. Copy link
    • On the bottom
      1. Reset Filters & View