Release 2024 Q1


This quarter release contains the following:

  • 🧿 New features
    • 1. Automation ⚡
      • 1.1 Allow to configure Notifications via Automation ⚡
      • 1.2 Manage Automation rules
      • 1.3 Configure Automation rules
      • 1.4 Test Automation rules and review Audit log
    • 2. User Management 👥
      • 2.1 View additional information about Users
      • Export User Table with selected columns
      • ❇️ Other improvements
    • 3. Document Repository 📂
      • 3.1 Export several documents
      • 3.2 Export Document Table View with selected columns
      • ❇️ Other improvements
      • 💢 Overview of changes in UI and Text
    • 4. Tasks ☑️
      • 4.1 Duplicate tasks
      • 4.2 Export Tasks Table with selected columns
      • ❇️ Other improvements
      • 💢 Overview of changes in UI and Text
    • 5. Editor 📄
      • 5.1 Copy and paste images from Word or Excel
      • 5.2 Permanent access to Editor Toolbar in long metadata Text Fields
      • 5.3 Extract and analyse all your links in document content
      • ❇️ Other improvements
      • 💢 Overview of changes in UI and Text
    • 6. Collaboration 💬
      • 6.1 Share Links to the Comments
      • 6.2 Navigate to the right comment from the Email notification.
      • 💢 Overview of changes in UX
    • 7. Connections 🏗️
      • View and filter All connections on the document
      • View and connect the mentioned document in the content
    • 8. Accessibility ♿
      • 8.1 Better view of resized content on the Policy Portal
    • 9. Workflow 🦾
      • 9.1 Complete required attention metadata when moving to any stage
      • 9.2 Define custom Stage Deadlines in Workflow in Templates
    • 10. Metadata 🧾
      • ❇️ Improvements
    • 11. API 👨‍💻
      • 11.1 Get all system information for each document version
  • 🐞 Bug fixes & improvements
    • 💢 Overview of changes in UI and Text
    • 📊 New On Demand Reporting - All Links from All Documents
    • 🐞 Important bugs that were fixed
      • Policy Management
      • Fix Patch 137.13
      • Fix Patch 137.14

For any questions, please email and we will further assist you.


🧿 New features

1. Automation ⚡

Our clients have different approaches to solving problems, and we want to provide flexibility to tune the platform according to their needs.

We are introducing a new module on our platform that will help you manage all routine tasks according to your business needs more efficiently via Automation.


We start with improving how you can customise and tune Notifications on the platform.

However, additional No-code automation deliverables are planned for future release;  resulting in your teams being able to directly configure automations to support specific operational models.

1.1 Allow to configure Notifications via Automation ⚡

Our new update offers you the option to highly customise your email notifications, making Policy Management more efficient and tailored to your needs.

You can now choose the timings and recipients of emails sent via automation on Policy Management. This offers greater flexibility, allowing you to target the appropriate parties with relevant information at the most suitable times.

⚡ Examples of Automation rules that you can create:

Screenshot 2024-01-08 at 11.42.29

  1. Metadata Date
    • Create Reminders of upcoming Metadata Date (for example, the Next Review date) to specific users, groups, document roles or emails.
  2. Stage Changes
    • Create Alerts when a document is Moved to a specific stage and send to specific users, groups, document roles or emails.
  3. Stage Deadline
    • Create Reminders of upcoming Stage deadline to specific users, groups, document roles or emails
    • Create Escalation alerts if the Stage deadline is overdue to specific users, groups, document roles or emails

Overview: Automations

Screenshot 2024-01-08 at 11.41.54 (1)

  • Use cases
    • Tailored communication: Send critical workflow updates to select recipients, helping enhance work coordination.
    • Efficient workflow management: Configure email timings to coincide with workflow deadlines or important events.
    • Enhanced Automated Email: Generate automated email notifications based on chosen triggers.
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • Users that will have “Manage Automation” platform permissions or Superadmin can configure automation.
    • We will remove these hardcoded emails:
      • Document Release, Document Stages from User Settings.
      • All Metadata Date will be migrated to automation.
        • We create a new automation on the document or template level.
          • If the document has an attached template - then automation will be created on a template level.
        • We set trigger conditions according to Metadata date configuration time.
        • We set Send email settings (Users may need to reconfigure the recipient and content of the email.):
          1. Recipients: Owner of the document.

          2. Email Content:

            When migrating, create content for the email body:

            1. Add metadata date.
            2. Add metadata name.
            3. Add document name.
          3. Context: your current Date Notification email.

    • Notifications tab on the document and template settings will be removed
  • Limitations
    • If the User only has “Manage Automation” authorities, he will not be able to log in to the Platform. Please ensure that you provide other authorities to allow access to the Platform.
    • For End-users:
      1. You will receive email notifications based on a configuration that your administrator set. There will be no option to opt-out, so contact your administrator if you think that you should not be included in notifications.
    • On UAT instances:
      1. Only Whitelisted users on the instance will receive notifications based on Automation configurations.
        So you can safely test automations with your team without affecting other users.



  • What will happen to existing emails?

    We will remove these hardcoded emails in the first iterations: Document Release, Document Stages, Metadata Date (Migrate)

  • What is our approach to email notifications?

    1. We will remove all generic emails and suggest clients configure required emails via Automation.
    2. After collecting data, we will provide some automation templates to improve time to value and decrease implementation time.
    3. We will continue to develop and support all emails that require a specific person to complete particular actions (where actors and messages are straightforward to identify), like approvals, tasks assigned, comment mentions, etc.
  • Who can create automation rules?

    Users that will have Manage Automation platform permissions and Superadmin

  • Who can view automation rule executions?

    1. Users that will have Manage Automation platform permissions and Superadmin.
    2. Document Owner.


  • To what type of documents can we apply automation?

    To any document except templates. However, the Scope section cannot be customized in the current implementation.

    So if users create automation on the template, we will automatically populate the Scope section with "documents created from the template". If users create automation on a document, snippet, or modification - we will automatically populate the Scope section with the "document name”.

1.2 Manage Automation rules

You can now create, manage and view automation rules on our platform. Turn functions on/off effortlessly, delete rules or duplicate them, and gain a clear overview of your automation processes.

This helps you to stay organised, reduces manual input, and makes sure that your policy management is as effective and efficient as possible.

Manage Automations

Beta 1 — start (1)

  • Use cases:
    • Efficient management and organization of automation rule.
    • Quick deletion or duplication of existing automation rules.
    • Gain insights into a number of executions.
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:

    Users that will have “Manage Automation” platform permissions or Superadmin can configure automation.

    The automation rule is an instruction to the platform to perform some actions that users can build by combining these 4 building blocks.

    1. Scope of documents that this rule will apply to:
      1. One document.
      2. Several documents: For example, all documents created from a template.
    2. Events which kick off (Trigger) the execution of the rule:
      1. Document stage changed.
      2. Stage deadlines.
      3. Metadata Date.
    3. Actions that should be done:
      1. Send Email notifications.
      2. Future // Update document metadata.
    4. Future || Condition that must be met for the rule to continue executing:
      1. User is X.
      2. Document has X Metadata value.

    Number of executions - it is the number of times your automation rules were executed (the number of times when the event happened and triggered the automation rule). It is reset each month.

  • Limitations:
    •  We are not allowed to change the Scope section in the current implementation.
      So if users create automation on the template, we will automatically populate the Scope section with "documents created from the template".

      If users create automation on a document, snippet, or modification - we will automatically populate the Scope section with the "document name”

1.3 Configure Automation rules

You have full control over automation rules.

You can specify stage changes, stage deadlines, and metadata dates for triggers. Tailoring email actions according to recipients, email subjects, and even the email body format can be done with ease.

Configure Automations

Recipes: Automations

  • Use cases:
    • Scheduling automated notifications with varied triggers.
    • Personalising automated email notifications.
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    1. Trigger:
      • Metadata Date:
        • Metadata date - Draft, Released as well as your Custom stages.
        • Timeframes - you can configure multiple timeframes when you want your rule to execute.
          Also, you can configure it before, after or on the day of the specified deadline in your documents.
      • Stage Changes:
        • Stages/states:
          • Draft.
          • Release.
          • Published.
          • Custom stages.
          • Archived.
          • Unarchived.
          • Non-material changes - when the document is moved to this workflow.
      • Stage Deadline:
        • Stages - Draft, Released, as well as your Custom stages.
        • Timeframes - you can configure multiple timeframes when you want your rule to execute.
          Also, you can configure it before, after or on the day of the specified deadline in your documents.
    2. Actions:
      • Send Email:
        • Email recipients:
          • User
          • Group
          • Document Role - Owner, Editor, Reviewer, Read Released
          • Specific email
        • Email Subject:
          • You can use smart values to provide dynamic information:
            • Document Title.
            • Document Version.
        • Email body:
          • You can use basic formatting to present information in the right way.
          • You can use smart values to provide dynamic information:
            • Document.
            • Document Version.

    Smart values

    A list of values that will dynamically insert current values in time when automation is executed.




    Link with the title of the document
    Document Title Text with the title of the document
    Document Version Text with version of the document

  • Limitations:
    • We will send 1 email with a list of recipients.
      All recipients will be added to the BCC field (blind carbon copy - a copy of the message is sent to that recipient, but that name is not visible to other recipients of the message).
    • Email formatting options are limited to font size, bold, italic, underline, align options, color and link. 

1.4 Test Automation rules and review Audit Logs

You now have the capability to track and audit all automation rules applied to your documents. It provides information on the automation name, description, execution time, and the creator of the automation.

Furthermore, you'll have access to an in-depth audit log which covers the type of event, date, duration, status, and associated documents. It offers greater transparency and allows you to troubleshoot if something doesn't go as planned.

By using our "Run” automation button, you have the ability to manually trigger and test a rule before making it active, thereby ensuring seamless workflows and less room for error.

Review Audit Logs

Test Automations

1.4 test rules

  • Use cases:
    • Monitor and track the application of automation rules.
    • Auditing changes made by these rules.
    • Troubleshooting failed automation actions.
    • Inspecting the status and details of ongoing automation.
    • Testing automation rules before deploying.
    • On-demand execution of automation rules.
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • View executions

      1. Document Owner will be able to view the execution log that shows what automation rules were executed on his documents with these details:
        1. Automation Name.
        2. Automation Description.
        3. Time - when automation was executed.
        4. Created By - who created this automation.


      1. The “Run” automation button will trigger automation and execute actions.
        1. Will impact the execution counter.
        2. It will skip trigger information and execute actions now.
        3. For automation created on the template level - it will use Template context to provide smart values inside the Email Subject or Body.
        4. For automation created on the document level - it will use Document context to provide smart values inside the Email Subject or Body.
      2. You can review the log for each automation separately:
        1. Date - when automation was executed.
        2. Duration - time that it takes to complete execution.
        3. Executions statuses:
          1. Successful - when all actions are completed with 100% (for example, sending email to 10 people out of 10).
          2. Failed - when 0 actions are completed (for example, sending an email to 0 people out of 10).
          3. Some errors - when actions completed less than 100% (for example, sending an email to 6 people out of 10).
        4. Associated Document - information on what document this automation was executed.
      3. Also, you can view details about the specific execution of each action in your automation execution:
        1. Time - when the action started.
        2. Name - nqme of the action (Send email).
        3. Statuses:
          1. Successful - when action is completed with 100%.
          2. Some errors - when action completed less than 100%.
          3. Failed when 0 were completed.
        4. Results - Information about the auction results.
        5. Details - Additional detail that should help users define the reason for issues.
      4. You also will be able to view that your automation right now is in progress with these details:
        1. Time - when the automation started.
        2. Associated Document - information on what document this automation was executed.
        3. Status - In Progress.
  • Limitations:
    •  N/A.

2. User Management 👥

Previously, we added capabilities to extend information about your users.

In this iteration, your users will be able to access this information and support their decision-making process like what users to add to the document, who they need to contact, etc.

2.1 View additional information about Users

You can now view a detailed User Card containing relevant information about the user.

Hover over a user's name and access key information like their job function, department, or online status.

This will help you understand who you are collaborating with and support your processes. User metadata is displayed in alphabetical order for easy navigation.

View Document Permissions

2-1 USER CARD-gif

  • Use cases:
    • Quick access to essential user information.

    • Streamlined collaboration by understanding user roles.

  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • The order and number of fields depend on what Metadata Manager is configured.
      • By default, we show All fields in the User Card.
    • Default information that will be displayed:
      • User online status.
      • User Disabled status.
      • User Full Name.
      • User Email.
      • All user metadata are ordered alphabetically (A-z).
  • Limitations:
    1. Admin panel: The user card wasn't implemented for: Metadata > Custom fields table and All Documents > Document List.
    2. Using a multiline text field for User Metadata: Inserting a table inside such a field will cause a horizontal scroll.
      So it is advised to not insert them.
    3. Accessibility is not supported for these cards.
    4. No possibility to set custom order of User Metadata.

2.2 Export User Table with selected columns

You can now export a table view containing information about your Users. This handy feature helps you provide data to external users and meet your internal reporting and audit needs faster.

You can set this up to have the same columns and order that you see on the platform.

You will be able to export items that you see on the page. Data from other pages will not be included.

Manage Users

Screenshot 2024-01-05 at 12.27.18

  • Use cases:
    • Improved Internal and External Reporting Capabilities.
    • Effective Audit and Review Processes.
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • Allow to export table view content in CSV format with selected columns and order.
    • Filename format example: "Users - November 25, 2021 at 10-20"
    • The exported state will contain the state that the user configured and sees on the platform. It will have the same columns and their order.
    • We use “;“ as a delimiter in CSV file. 
  • Limitations:
    • We allow to export only those items that users see on the page. Data from other pages will not be included.

❇️ Other improvements

User View: Configure what number of Users to display on the page (50, 100, 200)

  • Dependencies:
    • Default page size - 50 Users.

3. Document Repository 📂

We introduce several enhancements to improve your management of multiple documents like export or permissions.

3.1 Export several documents

With this new update, you no longer have to export each document needed for an audit individually.

Instead, you can select and export multiple documents simultaneously, saving time and effort. This can be done from the "All Documents" page, and you can choose the export format between DOCX, PDF, and Audit Report.

We also extended a document quick Actions menu to allow easy export of required document versions without the need to go to the document.

Export Documents

2.1 bulk export

  • Use cases:
    • Bulk export of documents for audit purposes.
    • Sharing of multiple documents externally.
    • Retrieval of numerous documents in preferred format.
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • Redesign of Document Bulk Operation and provide new action - Export.
      1. Allow to export Latest version of several documents from the “All Documents” page:
        1. Export to DOCX
        2. Export to PDF
        3. Export Audit Report
      2. The operation will provide an Archive of Documents for users to download with the name “Export - 10 PDF Documents - November 25, 2021 at 10-20” (number of successfully exported documents + format of export + date and time of export).
    • Add a new Export menu item in the Document Quick Actions menu.
      1. Allow to export a single document with defined version from the “All Documents” page
        1. Export to DOCX.
        2. Export to PDF.
        3. Export Audit Report.
        4. Export to XLSX.
    • In the notification centre, you should clearly see what documents were included and what had errors.
  • Limitations:
    • We will not allow users to select which document version to export. We will always be exporting the latest version of the document.
    • Bulk Export to XLSX and Document Activity is out of scope.
    • Read Published configurations that do not allow exporting documents will be ignored.
    • When users exported 1 Document via Bulk actions - we will use the bulk approach to create a zip file and use the same naming ex. The name of file is “Export - 1 PDF documents - November 02, 2023 at 15-48”
    • Recommended max number of documents that user can select: 150 document.
    • If there are several documents with the same name and exact version, we will add numbers to such documents to overcome potential file system errors where there are files with the same name:


3.2 Export Document Table View with selected columns

You can now export a Document Table view containing information about your Documents. It makes it easy to share information with others outside your team and quickly meet your own reporting and auditing needs. You can set up the export to show the same columns and order as you see on the platform.

You will be able to export items that you see on the page. Data from other pages will not be included.

Export Document Table View

  • Use cases:
    • Improved Internal and External Reporting Capabilities.
    • Effective Audit and Review Processes.
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • Allow to export table view content in CSV format with selected columns and order.
    • Name of the: Documents - November 25, 2021 at 10-20
    • The exported state will contain the state that the user configured and sees on the platform. It will have the same columns and there order.
    • We use “;“ as a delimiter in CSV file.
  • Limitations:
    • We allow to export only those items that users see on the page. Data from other pages will not be included 

❇️ Other improvements

‼️ Bulk: Select All documents on the page

You now have more tools at your fingertips when working with multiple documents at once in Policy Management.

Instead of dealing with documents one-by-one, we're offering you the power to handle many at the same time. This means less time clicking and more time completing your tasks.

  • Dependencies:
    • You will be able to select all documents on the page.
      You can then navigate to another page and select more.

Bulk: Configure what number of Documents to display on the page (15, 50, 100)

No more tedious clicking when handling bulk actions.

You can now choose how many items you want to display on a page (15, 50, 100), making it so much more convenient to perform bulk tasks.

  • Dependencies:
    • Default page size - 15 Documents.

Bulk: Select documents inside the Table View

You will be able to select several or all documents on the page and apply bulk operation right in the Document Table View.

💢 Overview of changes in UI and Text

  • All Documents: Added a visually improved switcher between document views: List and Table.
  • All Documents - Table View: Updated icons for columns that have multi-select options.
  • Bulk Invite operation: Added a note that bulk operations will not send email notifications.

4. Tasks ☑️

We're always working to better the way you handle tasks on our platform. In our latest update, we've added new features that let you quickly create more tasks and easily share details and reports with people outside your team.

4.1 Duplicate Tasks

You can now duplicate tasks on the tasks dashboard.

This will save you time when you need to create similar tasks but want to assign them to different people. This is perfect for streamlining the process of managing global and local policies – you can simply create a task for each local policy to request document changes.

Duplicate a Task


  • Use cases:
    • Speeding up task allocation to different assignees.

    • Time-efficient creation of repetitive tasks with different assignees. 

  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • What will be copied:

      1. Title = “Copy” prefix + Title
      2. Type = same
      3. Status = To-Do
      4. Due Date = same
      5. Reporter = ****user who Duplicated the task
      6. Assignee = unassigned
      7. Description = same
      8. Comments - not copied
      9. Attachments - not copied
  • Limitations:
    • Only the task on the dashboard can be duplicated.
      The feature to duplicate tasks on the document sidebar is currently out of scope.
    • If the user tries to duplicate tasks that have a link to a document the user does not have access, we will show an error.

4.2 Export Tasks Table with selected columns

Now you can export a table with your Task details, perfect for sharing with others or for your own reports. You can set this up to have the same columns and order that you see on the platform.

You will be able to export items that you see on the page. Data from other pages will not be included.

Report on Tasks

  • Use cases:
    • Improved Internal and External Reporting Capabilities.
    • Effective Audit and Review Processes. 
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • Allows exporting table view content in CSV format with selected columns and order.
    • Name of the: Tasks - November 25, 2021 at 10-20
    • The exported state will contain the state that the user configured and sees on the platform. It will have the same columns and their order.
    • We use “;“ as a delimiter in CSV file.
  • Limitations:
    •  We allow to export only those items that users see on the page. Data from other pages will not be included.

❇️ Other improvements

‼️ Tasks Filters: Filter tasks by upcoming Due Dates with new shortcuts

In the Tasks dashboard, the “Due Date” filter at the top will include pre-populated options in the future.

New Shortcuts

  1. Overdue = Due Date <= now
  2. Due Next Week = now <= Due Date <= next week
  3. Due Next Month = now <= Due Date <= next month
  4. Last Week = last week <= Due Date <= now

Task quick Actions: Delete task on the Task Dashboard

A new way to quickly delete a task that is no longer required.

Tasks View: Configure what number of Tasks to display on the page (25, 50, 100)

  • Dependencies:
    • Default page size - 25 Tasks.

💢 Overview of changes in UI and Text

  • Task Types: Updated an icon for the Incident type of task.
  • Task Assignee / Assignee & Reporting Filters: Added Placeholder to highlight that users need to type at least 2 symbols so we can show some results.

5. Editor 📄

Continue improving how you work and navigate inside the document, your editing experience and content analytics capabilities.

5.1 Copy and paste images from Word or Excel

Making your policies visually attractive is now easier.

You can effortlessly insert images into your documents by simply copy-pasting them from a Word or Excel file. This eliminates the need for the manual upload process, thus saving you time and adding convenience to your policy drafting experience.

Paste a Single Paragraph

  • Use cases:
    • Easy integration of visual content into policy documents.
    • Efficient import of charts from Excel into policy documents.
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    •  N/A
  • Limitations:
    • Available for:
      1. Office 365 Word and Excel
      2. standalone Word and Excel on Windows and Mac OS
    • You can copy shapes from Word only if you select the current shape without the text.

5.2 Permanent access to Editor Toolbar in long metadata Text Fields

You will now always have access to the editor toolbar, even when scrolling through long multiline text metadata.

This new feature ensures that you can use the formatting toolbar as needed, regardless of the length of your text. It'll streamline your workflow and help you manage your content more efficiently.

  • Use cases:
    • Editing multiline text fields that contain a heavy amount of information.
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • N/A.
  • Limitations:
    • N/A.

5.3 Extract and analyse all your links in document content

With these updates, you can effortlessly extract all the links from your document for analysis, allowing you to identify which links need updating.

This ensures that your document content remains current, avoiding redirects to archived documents or unavailable resources and maintaining the integrity and relevance of your shared information.

Export Links in Document Content

  • Use cases:
    • Identify broken links.
    • Identify links moving to the archived documents.
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • Exported data:
      • Document Name.
      • Connected Document Name.
      • Link Name.
      • Link URL.
      • Link Type.
      • Paragraph URL.
      • Paragraph Number.
    • Name of the file: [Document Name] Links - December 20, 2023 at 14-36.csv
    • If you need information about All links from All documents, ask your Customer Success manager to provide it. 
  • Limitations:
    • Export: will always export all links, internal (Clausematch documents/paragraphs) and external (non-Clausematch website).

❇️ Other improvements

‼️ Metadata: We remember your individual settings for displaying Metadata inside the document

You can now easily tailor your user interface based on your needs.

With the new feature, you can individually decide whether the Metadata View on top of the document is displayed expanded or collapsed, and we will remember these settings. So you have more freedom to get a focused, uncluttered screen concentrating on the required information.

  • Limitations:
    • The state for each document is saved separately within a browser.

Metadata: Expand or Collapse All sections inside the Metadata view

With the new expand and collapse All feature for metadata sections in the Policy Management and the Policy Portal modules, you now have more control over how you view and navigate your metadata.

If you have more than 30 fields grouped into various sections, you no longer need to collapse these sections manually. You can now choose to collapse or expand all sections at once.

  • Dependencies:
    • Policy Management
    • Policy Portal

Template Enforcement: New text for the Template Enforcement Notification on the document to inform what changes could happen

We want to help users understand the impact of template changes on Document levels. In this release, we will provide more information about what changes to expect when template enforcement happens:

  • Stages and approval changes.
  • Content changes - update the content of locked paragraphs or new locked paragraphs.
  • Formatting changes.

  • Dependencies:
    • New texts for the notification on Document when a new version of Template is released.

💢 Overview of changes in UI and Text

  • Editor Toolbar: Added an arrow icon for Editor Modes to highlight that there are more options to use
  • Document Settings - Layouts: Available Metadata Screens to choose from will be sorted alphabetically.

6. Collaboration 💬

We focus on streamlining and improving your collaboration experience with your team on the platform and want to ensure they can easily access the information you share with them.

6.1 Share Links to the Comments

We're making collaborative work even easier for you!

You can now streamline your collaboration by linking to specific comments in the Document Activity. No more manual action and laborious search; copy and share the link to the comment you need the response.

You can copy the link to any comment and share it with your teammates via any tool. They will then be redirected to the exact comment on the document and continue collaborating with you.

Copy Links to Comments

  • Use cases:
    • Quickly directing team members to specific comments in shared documents.

    • Efficiently responding to comments left by colleagues.

    • Streamlining team communication within shared documents. 

  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • N/A. 
  • Limitations:
    • Link to the Paragraph comment will always open the document Activity. However, by clicking on the comment, we will scroll and highlight the required paragraph.
    • If there are more than 480 comments - it could take up to 2-3 seconds to load comments. 

6.2 Navigate to the right comment from the Email notification

It's now easier than ever to stay in the loop and respond promptly to queries or feedback in your documents.

Whenever you receive an email where someone has mentioned you in the comments, you can now immediately view the comment through a direct link provided in the notification email. Just click on the link and you will be taken to the exact location of the comment, saving you valuable time and enhancing your productivity.

  • Use cases:
    • Immediate navigation to receive comments.

    • Improved comment visibility on larger documents.

    • Efficient document review and approval.

  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    •  N/A.
  • Limitations:
    1. Link to the Paragraph comment will always open the document Activity. However, by clicking on the comment, we will scroll and highlight the required paragraph.
    2. If there are more than 480 comments - it could take up to 2-3 seconds to load comments.

💢 Overview of changes in UX

  • Comment Read status: We increased the time when we mark comments as read to 1 sec.
  • Comment Read status: We mark a comment as Read if its content is visible > 70%.

7. Connections 🏗️

We are working on improving the experience around document connections to help you quickly connect your documents so that you can easily define the impact of changes, identify gaps between compliance documents and improve cross-document collaboration.

7.1 View and filter All connections on the document

We've improved how you view and manage your connections within documents. Now, you won’t miss any of your existing connections even when changes are made.

You can view all connections in a single view, regardless of their status. Plus, you can easily filter and separate those that have been changed or suggested. This raises your efficiency, allowing you to stay on top of every status change related to your connections.

Manage Data Connections

  • Use cases:
    • Oversee and manage all connections in a document.
    • Efficient tracking of changed connections.
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • When users add a new connection, we will add an Ongoing status as a value for the filter so that users can see this added connection
    • Default filters:
      1. Ongoing
      2. Changed
    • If there are changed connections on a paragraph level, we will highlight them with:
      1. Specific indicators on a document level
      2. New icon on a paragraph level
    • Users can select and apply bulk operations to any type of connection that is ongoing, changed, or suggested.
  • Limitations:
    • N/A.

7.2 View and connect the mentioned document in the content

Our latest feature allows you to find and establish connections between documents based on existing links in the document's content.

This feature makes it easier for you to organise and interlink your policy documents, improving the effectiveness of your policy management process.

View and Connect the Mentioned Document in the Content

  • Use cases:
    • Improved cross-referencing of related policy documents.
    • Tracking and managing document connections for better organisation.
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • We will detect links used in the document's content to the PM documents and allow users to easily create connections for better navigation, reporting and change management.
    • We will allow you to filter links by:
      • Internal - links to content on Clausematch platform.
      • External - other links.
    • We will show an indication in the document connection bar and Left Sidebar - that there are some non-connected documents that are mentioned in the content.
  • Limitations:
    • Counters will display only a unique number of documents that are not connected.
    • The feature does not automatically create connections but only provides suggestions. The user will still need to manually confirm and establish the connections.

8. Accessibility ♿

We are working to make our platform accessible to everyone and improving our Portal functionality to support additional use cases.

8.1 Better view of resized content on the Policy Portal

You can now smoothly navigate and access all software functionalities even more comfortably. Considering the needs of our diverse user base, we have upped our accessibility.

Our Policy Portal module now supports complete accessibility compliance per WCAG 2.0 Level AA standards, ensuring more comprehensive usability options.

We have made important updates to help support Level AA accessibility requirements of WCAG about 1.4.10 – Reflow, 1.4.4 – Resize Text, and 1.4.12 – Text Spacing.

  • Use cases:
    •  The whole interface used by our colleagues needs to meet the digital accessibility requirement of content reflow when resized. The requirement is that a page can zoom to 400% without losing readability or functionality and without needing to scroll horizontally.
      • Ensures compliance with Level AA accessibility requirements of WCAG.
      • Facilitates resized text and reflow to maintain readability.
      • Allows for text spacing customisation.
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • New supported Level AA requirements on the Policy Portal:
    • Added button “Go to content“ in DETAILS sidebar - to allow to navigate to content quicker.
    • Added “Expand/Collapse” button in the QUESTIONS sidebar - to allow to adjust the view.
  • Limitations:
    • These changes are only applicable to the Policy Portal.

      Please bear in mind that while these updates enhance the software’s overall accessibility, content view areas may still appear small, and there might be challenges in incorporating all content into view when zooming beyond 175%.
      This browser interface zoom limitation can potentially result in some UI crowding. Likewise, changes made to the default font size may affect text spacing customisation.
      • All tables will have a horizontal scroll.
      • Some advanced features might still lack full accessibility support
      • Minor differences might exist in the user experience on different device types, though we're actively working to minimise this.

9. Workflow 🦾

We're dedicated to enhancing your ability to configure Workflow stages more effectively.

Additionally, we want to ensure you updated any critical metadata, so we're introducing a new Move to Stage model to highlight such metadata.

9.1 View metadata requiring attention when moving to any stage

With our new enhancement, you can now easily see how many metadata fields require your attention while moving to a different stage, so you'll have a clear view of what needs to be addressed.

Move a Document to a Different Stage

  • Use cases:
    •  Manage consistency of document metadata.
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • We have a unified experience with metadata form, so with this new update, you can manage metadata via a familiar UI that allows you to view fields that require attention and filter them.
    • Users will be able to see the number of fields that require attention on other screens:
      • Metadata stage on Creation modal.
      • Metadata stage on Move to stage modal - New Modal.
      • Document settings > Metadata tab.
  • Limitations:
    • N/A. 

9.2 Define custom Stage Deadlines in Workflow in Templates

You can now define custom timeframes for each stage of your workflow in your templates.

This lets you define and plan your work based on the timeframes that suit your workflow needs best.

Add Stages to a Template

  • Use cases:
    1. Custom timeframe setting for peculiar workflow stages.
    2. Flexibility and control over your workflow stages.
    3. Management of stage deadlines in Workflow Templates.
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    •  N/A.
  • Limitations:
    •  Current possible day values: 1 - 10000.

10. Metadata 🧾

Help you manage different variations of the Metadata Screens quicker.

❇️  Improvements

Metadata: Duplicate Metadata Screens

With the new update, you can now easily duplicate your metadata screens. When creating new screens, the system will automatically label them as "Copy", followed by the original screen name.

This feature not only copies the name but also replicates all other associated fields like the description, list of metadata fields, etc. This makes it a lot easier for you to manage different configurations of metadata in your documents.

Duplicate a Screen

11. API 👨‍💻

Providing more required data inside current endpoints and working on bringing API Guides to help your developers present solutions faster.

11.1 Get all system information for each document version

With the new update, you will now have access to all system metadata for a document version through our API endpoints.

Unlike before, you can gain complete information about a document without having to merge data from multiple endpoints.

  • Use cases:
    • Find and work with specific document versions based on their system metadata.
    • Generating comprehensive document histories.
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • We will allow you to get all document system metadata in document endpoints:
      • Created at and Created by.
      • Modified at and Modified by.
      • Released at and Released by.
      • Published at and Published by.
      • Archived at and Archived by.
      • isArchived.


Bug fixes & improvements

💢 Overview of changes in UI and Text

  1. We limited access to our platform from outdated browser versions to allow us to ensure the highest level of security and the best user experience are provided.
  2. Policy Portal:
    1. TOC navigation sidebar will be opened by default to help users quickly navigate to the required sections of the document.
    2. Modifications: We will show all content by Default and allow users to hide original content if needed.
    3. The report tab will be hidden if the Attestation functionality is switched off.

📊 New On Demand Reporting - All Links from All Documents (Available for Release Versions older than 2024.1)

A new one-off report that allows the extraction of all links from all documents on the platform should help you perform audits and find some outdated or broken links to maintain consistency and provide up-to-date information for your employees.

Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager to obtain this information.

Report columns are as follow:

  • Document ID.
  • Document URL.
  • Title.
  • Version.
  • Released.
  • Archived.
  • Paragraph URL.
  • Link URL.
  • Link Title.

🐞 Important bugs that were fixed

For details on each fix listed below, please visit this details page.

Policy Management

  • Fixed an incident where the metadata form can’t be saved if it contains system fields with disabled user.
  • Fixed an incident where users can’t insert XLSM files as paragraphs.
  • Fixed an incident where renamed release stage causes inability to open a document.
  • Fixed an incident where metadata with type number is displayed incorrectly in table view.
  • Fixed an incident where in rare cases transparent background-color was transformed into black colour.
  • Fixed an incident where incorrect edit shows for paragraph change.
  • Fixed an incident where it is impossible to resolve comments with replies.
  • Fixed an incident where user import via file or swagger failed.
  • Fixed an incident where widget order and dashboard layout do not show correctly for Portal Users.
  • Fixed an incident where Clausematch API (Metadata API) doesn’t return email and user uuid for user picker field.

Fix Patch - 137.13

  • Fixed an incident where documents on Policy Portal could not be exported to DOCX.

Fix Patch - 137.14

  • Fixed an incident where the metadata save reminder would not automatically closed once the metadata form is saved.