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  3. Read Published Documents

Search Published Documents


  • Pre-conditions
  • Overview
  • Supplementary Information
  • Notes


  • System Level Permission: 'Portal user', 'Portal manager', 'Portal publisher'.
  • You have access to the document(s) you need to view their content from.
    • If you believe you do not have access, please reach out to your Policy Portal administrators.


The Policy Portal's Documents tab provides you access to all documents that have been shared with you for your reading and that you may need to attest to.

You can use the document search engine, categories, metadata and system filters, and collections to have a focused view of the documents you need to pay attention to (you can conversely visit the Home tab for a pre-configured presentation of relevant documents).

There are even labels next to documents and collections to help you figure out key information about documents so that you know which ones to read next, such as:

  • Which ones you have not read yet:
    • Any new document versions.
    • Any new documents.

Lastly, even within a document you are able to search for other documents that you have access to, assisting you in fetching the context needed to understand the document that you are currently on.


After selecting a collection from the left collections sidebar, you can adjust your document search results as well as the way their visual format.

  • A collection is a tailored view of a particular set of documents, from which you can modify results from the features further below.

Search Parameters

  • Document Search Engine:
    • In titles drop-down menu: You can change where your search terms get checked against, either just the document title or both the title and its content.
    • Advanced text-search: By clicking on the dials icon, you can use more precise text logic to get more precise document search results.

      Screenshot 2024-05-03 at 4.32.56 PM
  • Filters:
    • Metadata filters: 
      • You can use various metadata filters to affect which documents get included in your document search results.
        • Metadata is information about a document that the document's team have filled out for your better understanding about the document (e.g. what department it relates to or its key contacts).

    • System filters:
      • System information such as whether you read the document or not, when you last viewed the document, or whether the document is a new version/entirely new document, can be used to filter out documents in your search results.

  • Categories:
    • Documents can be placed by document teams under different categories for better organization.

Global Search

Anywhere in the Portal, even if you're inside of a document that you're reading, in case you need to look up a document related to the one you're currently on, you can do so while still staying within the current page.

You just have to:

  1. Click on the magnifying glass icon in the top pane.
  2. Search for the document (assuming you've been granted access to it).
  3. Open the document either:
    1. In a new tab by pressing Cmd + Enter or + Enter.
    2. In your current tab by pressing Enter.

Supplementary Information

On top of the search features to narrow/expand your document search results, you can change the sorting and overall view of the results to your preference.

Additionally, there are document markers that indicate whether the document has been unread, and if so whether it is a new version of a prior document or an entirely new document.

You can also quickly view the metadata information set for a document through its document card.

Sorting and number of results per page

You can choose how the results are sorted, as well as how many are shown on each page.

List or Table View

You can change the view to either a list or a table.



You can configure which columns appear/are hidden by clicking on the ... icon next to the View mode toggle, reorder as well as pin columns.

Progress Markers

The following markers show* for certain documents:

  • Unread
  • New Document
  • New Version
  • Already Read
    • Last Viewed time

If the collection owner has enabled progress tracking, then you can also see a progress bar at the top of the collection name, as well as individual unread markers that you can click on to filter your document search results.


For documents you have already read, there will be an eye icon as well as the last viewed time near the document name, so you can be sure on which ones to pick up on again or ignore if needed.


Document Card

By hovering your mouse over a document title or icon, a Document Card pops up, displaying useful information about the document.

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Search, View and Access Original Document or its Modifications

Certain documents can be linked to each other, in that 1 is viewed as the original document and others are modifications of it in its purpose as well as content.

You can learn how to search and access these types of documents here.


Progress Markers

  • View Progress and other indicator counters will not be recalculated after new filters that not saved for the collection are applied.