View Added Tags Across Policy Management


  • Pre-conditions
  • Overview
  • Notes


  • System Level Permission: Access to the Policy Management module.
  • Platform Configuration: The Tags feature is enabled


You can view all tags added to content across the Policy Management module by visiting the Tags tab.

Here you can select any single tag from the tags pane, and switch between different tag type filters:

  • Documents
  • Paragraphs
  • Connections


This view simply lists out all the documents you have access to* and for each one of them it shows all of their tags as well as which stage they are in.

You can click on any listed document to open it.


This view shows a table of all the paragraphs that have the tag added, so various information is shown across the columns:

  • Content - Content of the paragraph
  • Paragraph Tags - All tags added to the paragraph
  • Section - Closest header paragraph it is under
  • Updated in Version - Version the associated paragraph was last updated in
  • Content Updated at - Date and time the paragraph was last updated at
  • Content Updated by - Who the paragraph was last updated by

You can click on any of those paragraphs to open its document and be directed to that paragraph.

To filter out paragraphs based on the text in their document title or as well document content, you can use the search bar, which also has an advanced text search available through the icon.

You can also export information about all tagged paragraphs from all result pages (pagination not accounted).

The below columns are exported:

  1. Document Title
  2. Document ID
  3. Document Link
  4. Document Version
  5. Document Stage
  6. Paragraph ID
  7. Paragraph Link
  8. Paragraph Content*
  9. Paragraph Section
  10. Updated in Version
  11. Content Updated At
  12. Content Updated By
  13. Paragraph Tag Group 1
    1. Tags
  14. Paragraph Tag Group 2
    1. Tags
  15. Paragraph Tag Group N
    1. Tags

Lastly, you can reorder, hide, and pin left/right any column by clicking its icon, and to show any hidden columns you click on the table's icon and tick those columns.


This view shows all the data connections that have the tag added to.

Clicking into either connected content will bring you to that document's content and have the Data Connections pane open.


Indirect Access

If you have the 'System Administration' or 'Document Manager' system permission, you can view documents you don't have direct access to by ticking the Show restricted documents option.

Exported Paragraph Content

We will export paragraph content in HTML view as we do in other export features.