Manage Tasks


  • Overview
  • Pre-conditions
  • Steps
  • Supplementary Information
  • Notes


Inside of any document you have access to, you can create, edit, and delete a task, as well as complete or uncomplete a task.

Those same actions, additionally with being able to duplicate a task, are also available on the Tasks dashboard, which can be accessed through the Policy Management home page.

For any task, you configure the fields below:

  • Title: A brief summary of the task
  • Type: Task category – Task, Incident, Exception, Evidence
  • Status: Task progress – To Do, In Progress, Done
  • Due date: The deadline for completing the task
  • Assignee: The person responsible for completing the task
  • Reporter: The person who created the task
  • Document: A linked Clausematch document
  • Description: A detailed explanation of the task

Create task


  • Document Level Permission: 'Owner', 'Editor', 'Reviewer'
  • Platform Configuration: The Tasks feature has to enabled


Create a New Task (Within Document):

  1. Click the Tasks icon in the right sidebar within a document.
  2. Click the Create button.
  3. Fill in the task creation modal fields:
    • Title: Add a brief description of the task.
    • Type: Choose from 4 options.
      • Task (default option): These tasks are used for general actions, such as adding or updating a section in a document.
      • Incident: this type is for actions addressing incidents of non-compliance, such as updating a procedure after an incident.
      • Exception – this type helps request & report on policy exceptions, such as an extension for submitting a report.
      • Evidence – this type is for gathering audit evidence to demonstrate compliance, such as providing proof of required training.
    • State: Choose from 3 options.
      • To do
      • In progress
      • Done
    • Date: Select a due date.
    • Reporter: The reporter field will be automatically populated with the creator's name. This cannot be changed.
    • Assignee: Choose the assignee by searching and selecting their name.
    • Description: Add a description of the task.
      • You can add a link to the description field. To do it quickly, copy the URL, select the relevant text in your comment, and press CMD + V.
  4. Click Create.*

Create a New Task (From Dashboard):

  1. Click on the Tasks tab.
  2. Click +New task
  3. Fill in the task creation modal fields:
    • Title: Add a brief description of the task.
    • Type: Choose from 4 options.
      • Task (default option): These tasks are used for general actions, such as adding or updating a section in a document.
      • Incident: this type is for actions addressing incidents of non-compliance, such as updating a procedure after an incident.
      • Exception – this type helps request & report on policy exceptions, such as an extension for submitting a report.
      • Evidence – this type is for gathering audit evidence to demonstrate compliance, such as providing proof of required training.
    • State: Choose from 3 options.
      • To do
      • In progress
      • Done
    • Date: Select a due date.
    • Reporter: The reporter field will be automatically populated with the creator's name. This cannot be changed.
    • Assignee: Choose the assignee by searching and selecting their name.
    • Description: Add a description of the task.
      • You can add a link to the description field. To do it quickly, copy the URL, select the relevant text in your comment, and press CMD + V.
  4. Click Create.*

Edit a Task:

  1. Access the task through the dashboard or corresponding document.
  2. Perform any of the following edits:
    • Reconfigure any of the fields (except for Assignee).
    • Add a file to attach*.
    • Add/edit/delete a comment.
  3. Click Save.

Delete a Task:

  1. Access the task through the dashboard or corresponding document.
  2. Click Delete at the bottom of the task.

Duplicate a Task*:

  1. Click on the Tasks tab.
  2. Click on the Screenshot 2024-01-29 at 23-58-06-png icon next to the task to duplicate.
  3. Click Duplicate.

Complete a Task:

  1. Click on the Document tasks icon on the sidebar*.
  2. Click on the task.
  3. Tick the checkbox next to the task(s)*.


Uncomplete a Task:

  1. Click on the Document tasks icon on the sidebar*.
  2.  Use toggle to switch on the Show completed tasks located at the bottom of the right hand side.
  3. Uncheck the completed task.


Supplementary Information

  • As an assignee or reporter, you'll receive instant email notifications for:
    • new tasks
    • status updates
    • comments
  • Any user can view and update any task on the tasks dashboard, regardless of:
    • who reported it
    • who's assigned to it
    • the user’s access to any documents linked to the task.


  • When created within a document, the task will be automatically linked to that document.
  • Once created, a task cannot be deleted.
  • File limitations/browser requirement:
    • Maximum file size: 50 MB
    • Supported file types: MS Office docs, PDF, CSV, PNG, JPEG, GIF, Videos (MP4, AVI, or MOV)
    • Unsupported file types: MP3, MP3, TXT, ZIP
    • Your browser is up to date.

Duplicate a Task

  • Only tasks on the dashboard can be duplicated.
  • If you try to duplicate a task linked to a document you do not have access to, an error will be returned.