View Approvals


  • Overview
  • Pre-conditions
  • Steps


In order to move your document to a successive stage and ultimately be released, all of the existing approvals for the current stage have to be accepted.

View the pending approvals so that you know who to reach out to in order to get them to review and potentially give their approval.

Approvals can be either on a:

  • Document level or a
  • Paragraph level

Accepted approvals 


  • Document Level Permission: 'Owner', 'Editor', 'Reviewer'.


View Approvals on a Document Level:

  1. Click on the Document activity icon on the right hand side. 
  2. Click Approvals.

View Approvals on a Paragraph Level:

  1. Click on the Document activity icon on the right hand side.
  2. Click Approvals.
  3. Select Paragraphs.

Screenshot 2024-08-03 at 9.44.29 PM


Approval Reset/Removal Triggers

  • Accepted stage approvals can be reset if any of the following actions occur:
    • Document approvals:
      • A paragraph gets archived.
      • Paragraph gets added and text is entered in it.
      • Document moves back to or past the corresponding stage.
    • Corresponding paragraph approvals:
      • A paragraph gets deleted (not archived).
      • A paragraph gets restored (approvals can be still be requested on deleted but not archived paragraphs).
      • A paragraph's content changes.
  • 'Reverse' actions (such as restoring a deleted paragraph that initially had an accepted approval) does not return the original state of the approval.
  • An accepted paragraph approval gets removed if the document moves back to the corresponding stage or past it.
  • The stage approvals do not get reset when the document's attached template releases a new version.
  • Parent/child paragraphs' approvals do not get reset if their child/parent paragraphs' content gets changed.

Document Approval Influence on Paragraph Approvals

Accepting a document approval automatically accepts all pending paragraph approval requests.