Edit Document Metadata


  • Overview
  • Pre-conditions
  • Steps
  • Supplementary Information
  • Notes


Document metadata is information associated with a document version.

Each document created from a template automatically displays an inherited group of metadata fields predefined in the template's layouts (which each correspond to a document stage/state and specify a screen (filtered group of metadata fields)).

Document owners can edit document custom metadata values (provided that they are editable* as set by the current document screen) for any version to display up-to-date information about the document for an accurate summary of the document for both document users on Policy Management and document viewers on Policy Portal.

There are 2 locations to edit metadata fields:

  • Document Settings
  • Metadata Form
    • This is found and configurable to be either on top of the document content or in the right sidebar.

Document Settings

Metadata tab

Metadata Form


  • Document Level Permission: 'Owner'.


Current Version

  1. Search for the document in your Policy Management dashboard.
  2. Locate the metadata section on top of the document.
  3. Perform metadata changes.
    1. (Optional): Toggle Show required only to only show metadata fields that require filling.
    2. (Optional): Click the borders icon Screenshot 2023-10-18 at 13.52.09in the top left to expand the metadata section to full screen.
    3. (Optional): If available, use any of the following metadata filters to get a more focused view of the metadata fields:
      1. Unsaved
      2. To review
      3. Unfilled
  4. Click Save.

Supplementary Information

Adjust Metadata Form Location

On a personal user level, you can change your device's preference of the metadata form location from the default top location on top of the document content to inside of the right sidebar as an additional tab.

  • For system administrators: The default location can be changed by submitting a request ticket to our Support team through our ticket form or a request to your Customer Success Manager.
    If you are not a system administrator, please pass your request first to your system administrator(s).



  • If the document's is both currently released and published, and both documents across Policy Management and Policy Portal share the same version:
    • editing the metadata values that are shared across the document's Release and Published on Portal layouts will update the corresponding fields shown on the Portal document.
      This means your metadata can be kept up to date even when it is published.
      • by this token, the reverse is true - when the document is drafted on to the next version on Policy Management, meaning Policy Management and Policy Portal documents have different versions, editing the shared metadata values across the current draft layout and the Portal layout will not result in an update in the Portal document metadata.

Instant synchronisation - Locking/Unlocking

  • You can see real-time updates of metadata changes within the document editor. Ongoing metadata modifications made by co-editors in real-time and potentially overwrites are highlighted in order to resolve edit conflicts.
  • All unsaved changes will be highlighted.
    • Changing fields via the document-settings modal and move-to-stage modal does not lock the form, and ⚠️ will override unsaved changes ⚠️
  • You will receive a reminder if you do not save the metadata form for some period.
  • The Lock command is sent when editing of the metadata field starts, so other users will see that someone has started editing metadata and cannot add their changes.
  • The Unlock command is sent in 4 cases:
    1. When saving changes.
    2. When resetting the form to its original state (update fields to it previous state).
      1. Except for the multiline text metadata field.
    3. When rendering another view in the editor or reloading the page.
      1. For example - switching to the mode of creating data connections.
    4. When a user is idle for 30 minutes.

User Card

Custom user fields, as well as system user fields such as email address and first/last name, can be viewed at a quick glance through a user card.

This shows when the mouse hovers over a user, whether they are in the Document's Permissions tab or as a value in a User Picker field.

This can help you better understand the document's stakeholders and thus support your processes.

Metadata Date Notification

When setting a metadata date field, if it is used in an automation, that automation is able to be executed when the set time comes and send an email notification to the intended recipients.

Stage Blocker

In order for the document to be moved to a successive stage, the current stage needs to be completed, and 1 potential blocker is an unfilled required metadata field, so ensure that the right stakeholders get to fill out the necessary metadata fields to prevent delays in stage transitions.

Editable Considerations

  • The ability to edit a document metadata value through the relevant API is not restricted by its corresponding field being set to read-only by the current screen.