Release 2024 Q3


This quarter release contains the following:


For any questions, please email and we will further assist you.


Summary Changes

Our latest release, 2024.3, introduces several enhancements aimed at improving client autonomy, metadata management, and document progress tracking:

  1. Platform Configuration via UI: This feature allows clients to independently adjust platform settings, leading to faster adoption of new releases without needing assistance from our support team.
  2. Enhanced Metadata Management: We've implemented metadata editing for old document versions and advanced controls. This improvement reduces the time spent on metadata activities and enhances data accuracy.
  3. Improved Document Progress Tracking: We have upgraded the Search functionality, introduced Collections for better document organisation, and added Smart values to automation. These improvements give users a clearer understanding of their work's scope and progress, resulting in more timely document completions and faster approval cycles.

These enhancements are designed to streamline workflows, increase efficiency, and provide greater control to our clients, ultimately driving better outcomes and satisfaction.

Critical DEPRECATION in existing functionality

  1. 🔥 [Metadata] Users will be able to update Metadata in any version of the document. Please use the new capabilities to configure which fields should be editable to control what information can be updated in the released version of the document.
  2. 🔥 [Repository] Template and Snippet will be available on its own page → Templates. Users will still view templates and snippets in the All Documents collection.
  3. 🔥 [Modifications] We removed the old logic of showing modifications in the document list on the Portal, where we only showed the original document. Now, we allow searching by full modification content (as well as the original), its title, and metadata.
  4. [Tags] Users will be able to manage tags on the Released Version of the document.
  5. [Document] Menu: Audit > Versions - will open new Versions sidebar.

🧿 New features

1. Collections 🗄️

Policy Management & Portal

Collections are now in the Policy Management module.

If you often search for documents meeting certain criteria, you can save that search as a Collection with a custom title, query, filters, sorting, and view. Once saved, this Collection can be easily shared with others, simplifying the workflow and enhancing information sharing within your team.

1.1 Organise your documents into Collections

Policy Management

With the new upgrade, you can create and save collections involving filters, search queries, views, unique titles, and descriptions using the experience we introduced on the Portal.

The update allows you to share these collections with various users and groups. Lastly, the feature offers a view of your actions, such as Pending Approvals. You can also configure to view a Stage Progress that will indicate the number of documents still not in the Released stage.

Manage your Policy Management Collections


  • 🔥 Template and Snippet will be available on its own page - Templates
  • ‼️ Users will still view templates and snippets in the All Documents collection.
  • 🔥 All folders have become system collections.
  • 🔥 The Uncategorised folder was moved and displayed inside Categories.
  • ‼️ Only Superadmins and Document Managers can share collections with all users. Other users do not have this capability. 


  • Use cases
    • Save specific document collections based on selected filters and search queries.
    • Share relevant collections with individual teammates or specific user groups for collaboration.
    • Superadmin and Document Managers can share collections with all users to ensure widespread access.
    • Monitor document progress within collections
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • View Stage Progress - this option allows you to review the overall progress of documents in the Collection, indicating the number of documents in the Draft vs. Released stages.
    • Pending Approvals - The quick filter will display a counter indicating the number of documents you need to approve.
  • Limitations:
    • 🔥 Template and Snippet will be available on its own page - Templates
    • ‼️ Users will still view templates and snippets in the All Documents collection.
    • 🔥 All folders have become system collections.
    • 🔥 The Uncategorised folder was moved and displayed inside Categories.
      • 🔥 There will be no counter for the Uncategorised option on the sidebar
      • 🔥 Uncategorized will also be available on the Templates page.
    • ‼️ Only Superadmins and Document Managers can share collections with all users. Other users do not have this ability.
    • “Is Archive” filter — The default state is False. If the user does not select an option or chooses False, we will hide all archived documents.

1.2 ❇️  Improvements

All Modules


1.2.1 ‼️ You now have the power to Rearrange the Order of collections according to your preference.

‼️ On Portal: When you change the ordering in the sidebar, it will also be applied to the Home screen, where we show the first 5 collections in your list.

Collection ordering: When such events happen, we will place the collection at the top of the list:

    • when a new collection is created
    • when the collection is shared with a user
    • when the collection is unhidden

Manage your Policy Management Collections

1.2.2 ‼️ We also introduced the Hide/Unhide option, which lets you manage the visibility of collections.

This provides you with the ability to view all hidden collections in the sidebar.

Collections in the Hidden section will be sorted Alphabetically

1.2.3 🔥 We will now save the state of the In Title and Content filters so you can continue searching within the right scope.


On Portal

1.2.4 ‼️ For those interested in their Subscription status, updates are available on the Collections page and the Collection sidebar, enhancing the user experience.

1.2.5 ‼️ To improve email notifications, the subscription feature now considers the Published Date Time information.

This allows sending correct information about new document versions for a selected period.

For example, if you choose to receive updates every day at 14:00, we will send you information about all new documents published between 14:00 yesterday and 14:00 today.

1.3 💢 Overview of changes in UI and Text

In all Modules

1.3.1 ‼️ Changed naming and icon for 'Public' sharing options to All Users in the Collections.

On Portal

1.3.2 What's New section on the Home Page of the Portal:

  • We changed the position of the filters to make them more discoverable
  • We updated the placeholder text for the empty state.
  • ‼️ When users clear filters, we will reset it to the default state: Publication date - None, Collection - All Documents

2. Document Repository 📂 

Policy Management & Portal

We introduce several enhancements to improve information consumption in the Policy Management module. This will help you find key information more quickly.

⚡️ 2.1 Work with filters in a more guided way

Policy Management

You can now work with filter buttons more intuitively, similar to the Portal experience. Furthermore, you can operate with pre-selected filters and configure sorting just the way you're accustomed to on the Portal. This feature also ensures seamless compatibility with our new user interface.


Search Policy Management Documents


  • 🔥 All, In Work, and Released were transformed into a Version Type filter.
  • 🔥 The Owned by me filter - was replaced by the Owner filter, where you can select yourself to filter all documents where you have Owner Document permission
  • 🔥 The **Search only in titles** option was replaced by the In Title & Content filter inside the search bar.
  • ‼️ New sorting capabilities were introduced with the default option - Last Modification Date (DESC)


  • Use cases:
    • Quick Document Retrieval: Easily filter documents by key attributes like owner, stage, and important dates.
    • Enhanced Sorting Options: Sort documents by relevance, last modification date, stage deadline, or release date to find what you need faster.
    • Improved User Interface: Navigate through filters and sorting options seamlessly with the new UI design.
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • 🔥 All, In Work, and Released were transformed into a Version Type filter.
      1. This new filter will have two filter options - In Work, Released.
      2. All option will be considered when no other options were selected or the filter was removed.editor
    • 🔥 The Owner by me filter - was replaced by the Owner filter where you can select yourself to filter all documents where you have Owner Document permission
    • 🔥 The Search only in titles option was replaced by the In Title & Content filter inside the search bar.
    • 🔥 The New Shared Filter was moved to the top left corner of the Collection section.
    • ‼️ New sorting capabilities were introduced with the default option - Last Modification Date (DESC)
  • Limitations:
    •  All advance search capabilities will be introduced in upcoming releases: Recent documents, Related searches, Search query suggestions, Document suggestions

🔥 2.2 Filter Documents by Released Version and View Related Metadata

Policy Management

With this new upgrade, you can now filter documents in the repository by their "Version Type".

This means you can easily isolate 'Draft' versions, which include all documents whose latest version has not yet been released, and 'Released' versions, which show the document and its exact latest released version with related metadata.

You'll also be able to navigate to the correct version depending on the applied filter. It's all about making your search more efficient!

Search Policy Management Documents


  • 🔥 Previously, when you searched for Released documents, we only showed you documents whose latest version was Released and ignored those with a Released version but now have a Draft version. Now, we will show you the latest Released version of all documents so you can search, view, and work easily with all your released documents.
  • ‼️ Document metadata will be displayed based on the selected version of the document


  • Use cases:
    • Quickly Find Released versions: Easily locate all released versions of documents.
    • Contextual Information: View metadata related to specific document versions.
    • Seamless Navigation: Navigate effortlessly to the right document version directly from the 'All Documents' view.
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • 🔥 All, In Work, and Released were transformed into a Version Type filter.
      1. This new filter will have two filter options - In Work and Released.
      2. The “All” option will be considered when no other options are selected or the filter is removed.
    • The version we will show based on the Version Type filter:
      • In Work - Latest document version that is in any stage except Released or Published
      • Released - Last document version that is in the Released stage
      • “All” - Latest document version at any stage
    • ‼️ Document metadata will be displayed based on a presented version of the document
    • If a document has a Draft version, we will indicate this when users view the last Released version.
  • Limitations:
    •  N/A

2.3 View and Filter by Document Stage Age

Policy Management

You can now view the number of days each document has been in its current stage, such as "30 days" in a particular stage. Additionally, by hovering over the stage age, you will see the date when the document was moved to that stage.

You can also filter documents based on their stage and age, making document management more informative and efficient.

Search Policy Management Documents

2.3a stage age


  • Use cases:
    • Monitor Document Progress: Quickly see how long each document has been in its current stage for better project tracking.
    • Identify Bottlenecks: Identify documents that have been stuck in a stage for too long to address any delays.
    • Prioritise Reviews: Sort documents by Stage Age to prioritise reviews based on how long they've been waiting.
    • Track Stage Transitions: Simply hover to determine the exact date a document moved to its current stage for detailed tracking.
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    •  The Incomplete state is not a stage; it indicates that the version was created, but the user has not completed the setup. We will show this as the number of days in the Draft stage.
  • Limitations:
    • Age sorting is currently not available
    • Age and approvals columns are not available in MI reports.
    • For the release stage: We will show the number of days the document was in the Released stage until a new version was created.

🔥 2.4 Search Modification Documents by Title and Content


You can now search for modification documents by title and content with high visibility and easy accessibility. This feature ensures that modifications are treated like other documents in searches, with no restrictions on content search.

Search and View Related Original Document or Modifications

2.3 seearch mod (2)


  • 🔥 We removed the old logic of showing modifications in the document list on the Portal, where we only showed the original document. Now, we allow searching by full modification content (as well as the original), its title, and metadata.
  • 🔥 We will allow to search by full modification content (as well as original), its title and metadata
  • 🔥 Released versions of modified documents for Portal publication will now appear as standalone documents in the Ready to Publish Collection. Previously, it had to be accessed through the original document to publish the modified document.


  • Use cases:
    • Easily locate modification documents by searching for specific keywords in their title.
    • Access modification records quickly by searching through the full content.
    • Identify documents that have modifications or are the original document using new labels and icons in the List view.
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • Restrictions for searching only by Modification Content - Removed
    • Section: Matches in modifications - Removed 
  • Limitations:
    • In the Modification Type column, we will show a blank space for normal documents (those that are neither original nor modifications).
    • When you hover over the Original Document link, it will always refer to the latest version of the original document.
    • Link to the Original document within the Modification document card will always direct you to the latest released version of Original document. This ensures access to the most up-to-date information without any hassle.

2.5 ❇️  Improvements

In all Modules

2.5.1 ‼️ For User Metadata filters: we make it easier to select yourself to find related items quickly.

Your user card will be the first in the list, and the rest will be filtered alphabetically.

On Policy Management

2.5.2 We introduced new System filters: Is Archived, Is Favourite, Is Incomplete

2.5.3 ‼️ We introduced a New Filter: Approval Type. This will help you search for approvals based on their type. For example, you can find All documents that have Pending Approvals.

2.5.4 ‼️ We also improved the view of your approvals to indicate their status: Pending, Rejected, or Approved.

Additionally, we provide clear information about document and paragraph-level approvals.

 2.6 💢 Overview of changes in UI and Text

In all Modules

2.6.1 We added a tooltip on Category numbers, indicating what this number refers to

2.6.2 We updated the UI (made it more compact) for selected filters to clarify which filters and options are chosen.

On Policy Management

2.6.3 Display document version information inside the list view of the document

2.6.4 Improved colour coding of document icons in the table view

2.6.5 Changed icon for Archived documents

2.6.6 ‼️ We have updated the wording we use in the Stage Deadline column from “due to 9 days” to “9 days left.”

On Portal

2.6.7 ‼️ Changed naming and icon for Public Access options to All Users in the Repository

2.6.8 Colour coding has been introduced for "New Documents" and "New Version" quick filters, providing a clearer visual distinction.

3. Document 📄

Policy Management

With this new update, you can now manage metadata for the published versions of a document even after a new draft has been initiated. This means that you can modify and update metadata independently on the live document and draft, ensuring better accuracy and relevance of the data.

⚡️ 3.1 Navigate and manage document versions with ease

🔥 Changes in the current way of working 🔥

You’re now empowered to manage your documents with a better-organised versioning system. You will be able to easily identify what version of a document you’re working with, thanks to headers coloured differently according to the document state - white for drafts, blue for the latest released, and dark for other versions.

When hovering over the version, you'll see vital details like Creation, Release, and Publication dates. Major versions like 1.0 and 2.0 will also be highlighted easily for recognition.

View and Compare Versions on Policy Management

3.1 version SB


  • 🔥 Navigation via menu: Audit > Versions - will open Versions sidebar and select the latest Released version
  • ‼️ Not all menu items will be available for the latest Released version if the document has a draft version


  • Use cases
    • Quick and easy navigation to required document versions
    • Efficiently identify and switch between draft, released, and old versions.
    • Highlight major versions for easy recognition.
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • Available actions with Versions
      • Navigate to the required version
      • Use the version to auto-populate the Compare Version drop-down
    • Available menu items for different Versions of the document
      • Latest Released Versions [IF No Draft]
        • File menu
          1. Clone document
          2. Clone Baseline Version
          3. Clone as Template
          4. Create Modification
          5. Create New Version
          6. Export PDF
          7. Export DOCX
          8. Export EXCEL
          9. Document Settings
        • Edit menu
          1. Copy
          2. File Attachments
          3. Find
        • Audit menu
        • Help menu
        • Automation menu
        • Users menu
        • Create New Version menu
      • Latest Released Versions [IF Draft Exist]
        • File menu
          1. Clone Baseline Version
          2. Create Modification
          3. Export PDF
          4. Export DOCX
          5. Export EXCEL
        • Edit menu
          1. Copy
          2. File Attachments
          3. Find
        • Help menu
      • Other versions
        • File menu
          1. Export PDF
          2. Export DOCX
          3. Export EXCEL
        • Edit menu
          1. Copy
          2. File Attachments
          3. Find
        • Help menu
  • Limitations:
    • 🔥 Navigation via menu: Audit > Versions - will open Versions sidebar and select the latest Released version
    • ‼️ Not all menu items will be available for the latest released version if the document has a draft version.
    • File attachments are not versioned and include a list of all associated attachments of the document.

⚡️ 3.2 Update Metadata for required Version of the document

🔥 Changes in the current way of working 🔥

With our new improvements, you are no longer limited to the current version of documents when making metadata adjustments. You can now freely update the metadata on any version of a document based on the configuration provided by the Metadata Screen. Combined with the ability to specify read-only fields, you now have full control over managing updates to the published versions of your documents.

These capabilities are helpful when you are working on a new draft version of the document and need to update some fields, like contact information, for a version published on the portal.

View and Compare Versions on Policy Management

3.2 released meta


  • 🔥🔥🔥  Users will be able to update Metadata in any version of the document. Please use the new capabilities to configure which fields should be editable to ****control what information can be updated in the released version of the document.
  • 🔥 Show required fields button in the metadata form will now be displayed in the top right corner where other filters are presented
  • ‼️ Updating metadata in one version will not be propagated to other versions.
  • For all fields marked as read-only, we will skip validation.


  • Use cases:
    • Revise and enhance metadata across different versions of a document
    • Implement a consistent metadata structure across all document versions
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    •  Validation of metadata fields will be applied only to editable fields.
  • Limitations:
    • 🔥🔥🔥  Users will be able to update Metadata in any version of the document. Please use the new capabilities to configure which fields should be editable to control what information can be updated in the released version of the document.
    • ‼️ Updating metadata in one version will not be propagated to other versions.
    • 🔥 Show required fields button in the metadata form will now be displayed in the top right corner where other filters are presented
    • For all fields marked as read-only, we will skip validation. For example, if you have a select field or user picker field that is read-only and contains outdated information (like options that don't exist or disabled users), this will not block saving the metadata form.

⚡️ 3.3 Choose what metadata Fields to show when Transition to Stage

Our latest version gives you additional options to specify what metadata fields you need to work with. Now you can choose Metadata Screens for Transitions, such as 'Move to Draft', 'Move to Release', and 'Move to [Custom stage]'.

This feature helps you define exactly what fields need completion while moving to other stages. We have also added helpful tooltips and naming descriptors to ensure you understand when and where the metadata screen will be applicable.


Select Document Layout

3.3a layout transition


  • Use cases:
    • Greater control over metadata management during various stage transitions
    • Enhanced clarity on metadata screen application through tooltips and descriptors
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    •  The inheritance logic :
      • The ”On Stage” Layout is used for 2 States/Actions:
        • When a document ON the Stage
        • When a document is moving From the Stage, *this could be overwritten by the “TO Stage” Layout.
      • If “TO Stage” is not defined → then we will show fields from the current “ON Stage” Layout
      • If there is No “ON Stage” Layout → we will use the Default Layout
      • If No Default Layout → we will show all metadata fields applied to the document
  • Limitations:
    •  N/A

3.4 View metadata changes in the Document Activity

You can now see metadata change events directly in the Document activity. This includes viewing the details of changes: the differences before and after updates. You can also filter metadata events to view all changes and easily navigate to the required metadata field.


View Document Activity Timeline

3.4 Meta in SB


  • Use cases:
    • Review Document Metadata Changes: See all modifications made to your document's metadata, including who made this changes and when
    • Detailed Change Analysis: View the before and after states of Text, Link, User, and Select fields
    • Navigate Easily to Metadata Fields: Quickly jump to the specific metadata fields from the Document Activity, saving you time and effort in understanding document history.
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    •  A details pop-up will be displayed for field types that contain long values such as Text, Link, User, and Select.
  • Limitations:
    • ‼️ Metadata events will not be available in the Exported Document Activity report
    • System-generated metadata such as "Published at" and "Created at" are not displayed in the Document Activity.
    • Removing the customer field or detaching it from the Document entity does not create an event in the Document Activity.


3.5 ❇️  Improvements

3.5.1 ‼️ We have unified the version selection dropdown to provide clear information on the version type: Draft, Latest Released, Other, and clearly indicate the version number. This will affect the Compare Versions dropdown and the version selection dropdown in export models.

3.5.2 We removed restrictions in export models that prevented you from selecting different versions to export when you were using an older version of a document.

3.5.3 ‼️ Since we only allow versions to be compared to older versions, we have hidden the version comparison button for the first version of a document.

3.5.4 ‼️ Accurate Document Linking in Exported XLSX Files

You can now ensure that links in your exported XLSX documents lead directly to the correct version of your document.

When you export your document to XLSX format, any links to paragraphs will accurately point to the right version of the document, just as expected.

3.5.5 🔥 Title Page: Keep Your Content on the Same Page

You can now ensure your content stays on the same title page as displayed in the UI. We've made sure that when your content reaches a height of 880 pixels, a new indicator will show you that any additional content will continue on the next page. Images and tables crossing this line will also be moved to the next page, keeping your layout neat and tidy.

We will removed warning messages when the content reaches a height of 880 pixels.

3.5.6 ‼️ Normal Text Styles Apply to Title Page

You can now ensure that the text on your title page inherits the font style you set under "Text Styles" for "Normal." So when you create a document and personalise Normal text style, it will automatically apply to the title page as well, keeping your document's look consistent.

3.5.7 ‼️ Edit Metadata when moving snippets to Draft

You can now fill in metadata when moving snippets to draft ! Previously, moving a snippet to draft didn’t prompt you to edit metadata. This ensures you can update all necessary information efficiently.

4. Configuration Panel ⚙️

Admin Panel

To address challenges in adopting new releases or features due to the need for additional controls and time, we introduced platform configuration via UI, enabling you to adjust platform settings independently.

You can now discover and adjust platform capabilities without contacting the Support team.

⚡️ 4.1 Tune platform configuration via new Configuration Panel

Great news! With this new release, you get enhanced control over platform capabilities. Based on your requirements and usage, you can now choose which functionalities you want on and which ones you want turned off.

You can also customise how the functionalities appear on your user interface, ensuring a smoother, more personalised user experience. Moreover, all changes will instantly go into effect for users.


4.1b Platform Config (1)


  • ‼️ Access: Available only for users with a Superadmin Role
  • The number of configuration options is limited in this release. Some options will still be available via request to our Support team


  • Use cases:
    • Personalisation of tool capabilities
    • Tailoring of user interface for better user experience
    • Improved platform control and system management.
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    •  Number of configuration options will be increased in the upcoming releases
  • Limitations:
    • ‼️ Access: Available only for users with a Superadmin Role
    • Number of configuration options is limited in this release. Some options will still be available via request to our Support team

4.2 Control available capabilities

We understand your need for a clean and organised workspace. That's why we provided you with new options to manage the visibility of such capabilities as Tasks and Connections.

With this new feature, you can customise your workspace by toggling the Tasks, Connections, Tags, Portal Dashboard, Home Page, Attestation, and Q&A functionality on and off.

Configure Document Page and Tasks

Configure Policy Portal for your Users

Configure Notifications, Connections & Tags for your Users

4.2 config controls


  • ‼️ All feature-related events (like Connections events, Tags events, Attestation events, etc) will be presented in the Document Activity even if the functionality was turned Off
  • ‼️ Connections: Option to filter by Connection Tags will be presented </aside>


  • Use cases:
    • Personalisation of platform capabilities
    • Minimisation of on-screen distractions by hiding unnecessary elements
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • For new configuration options:
      • When turns off Tasks, then we will hide
        • Tasks page
        • Tasks sidebar in the document
      • When turns off Connections, then we will hide
        • Compliance page
        • Inside Document
          • Connections sidebar in the document
          • Connections Tob Bar on the document
          • TOC sidebar (right-sidebar ) - Suggestion to connect in the Links tab
          • Connection indicators on the Editor
          • Document Activity - Connection option in the Events filter
          • Tag sidebar - Data Connections Tags section
        • Tags page
          • Connection tab
  • Limitations:
    • ‼️ All feature-related events (like Connections events, Tags events, Attestation events, etc.) will be presented in the Document Activity even if the functionality was turned Off
    • ‼️ Connections: Option to filter by Connection Tags will be presented

4.3 Tune User Interface for Document

You will now have flexibility in adjusting the Document interface to suit your preferences.

With this new configuration feature, you can define the default view option for metadata visibility in each document, establish the order of sidebars in your document, and even have an option to hide the connection bar in a document.

Configure Document Page and Tasks for your Users

Configure Notifications, Connections & Tags for your Users

4.3 tune interface


  • New configuration options:
    • Show/Hide Connection bar in the document
    • Define the default view option (Sidebar or Top of the Document) of Metadata in the document
    • Define the order of items on the right sidebar
  • ‼️ In the Configuration panel, we will always present all available sidebars. Inside the document, we will consider what functionality was switched off and will show only available sidebars


  • Use cases:
    • User interface personalisation to enhance accessibility
    • Efficient presentation of data through preferred viewing options
    • Minimisation of on-screen distractions by hiding unnecessary elements
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • How does the metadata form positioning configuration work?
      • First, we get the value that the user saves. In case it is not set, we get it from the configuration
    • Default order of sidebars:
      1. Metadata (if it is shown as a sidebar)
      2. Tasks
      3. Activity
      4. Your-approvals
      5. Tags-filtering
      6. Suggested-changes
      7. Exceptions
      8. Connections
      9. Global-search
  • Limitations:
    • ‼️ In the Configuration panel, we will always present all available sidebars. Inside the document, we will consider what functionality was switched off and will show only available sidebars.

⚡️ 4.4 Configure Default Notification Settings

With this feature, you can control notification settings more precisely. You can define default notification preferences for users and enforce configurations for selected users. You can also switch notifications on or off for each module.

Additionally, you can decide which specific system emails, such as "User Added to Group" or "You have been invited to Clausematch," are turned on or off.


Configure Notifications, Connections & Tags for your Users

4.4b Notif config (2)


‼️ These emails will still work even if all other emails are switched off:
    • Request to reset password
    • Two-factor authentication security code
    • User Limit
    • Automation emails
    • Collections Subscription emails
    • Request document access emails </aside>


  • Use cases:
    • Standardise notification settings for new users across your organisation.
    • Enforce consistent notification preferences for specific teams or departments.
    • Manage and update notification settings by module for better customisation.
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • System emails that we will allow to turn on/off:
      • User Added to Group
      • User Removed From a Group
      • Welcome Email
        • You have been invited to Clausematch
        • You have been invited to Clausematch (SSO)
    • ‼️ The enforced notification configurations will override individual user settings.
      • This operation can take several minutes
      • Applying enforced settings is a one-time action that overwrites the current settings for intended users. NOTE: This action does not prohibit users from manually adjusting individual email notifications after changes are applied.
  • Limitations:
    • ‼️ These emails will still work even if all other emails are switched off:
      • Request to reset password
      • Two-factor authentication security code
      • User Limit
      • Automation emails
      • Collections Subscription emails
      • Request document access emails

⚡️4.5 Configure Intro Message with Rich Text for Enhanced User Guidance


You can customize the Intro Message for all Portal users, using rich text to deliver clear and engaging communication.

This lets you provide essential information about what to expect on the Portal and include links to valuable resources, enhancing the user experience.

Configure Policy Portal for your Users

4.5 intro message (1)


  • ‼️ Superadmin will be able to configure the Intro Message with rich text to help users understand what to expect from our application. </aside>


  • Use cases:
    • Creation of customised welcome messages for users.
    • Inclusion of important links and resources directly in the Intro Message.
    • Delivery of essential information and updates in a visually engaging format.
    • Improved user onboarding and guidance on Portal functionalities. 
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    •  Users can hide this section and enable it through "Set Up View."
  • Limitations:
    • ‼️ Superadmin will be able to configure the Intro Message with rich text to help users understand what to expect from our application.
    • Images are not available.

5. Workflow 🦾

Policy Management

Your day-to-day workflow management just got easier.

5.1 Create New Version or Amend Current Version in one click

🔥 Changes in the current way of working 🔥

With our latest update, you can now streamline your document workflow more efficiently. By clicking on the "Create New Version" button, you will instantly initiate the process of creating a new draft version of a document.

Additionally, for clients using the NMC (Non-Material Changes**)** workflow, the "Amend Current Version" button allows you to begin amending the existing document version seamlessly. Both workflows bypass all intermediate modals and take you straight to the point of creating a new version or amending an existing one, making it quick and direct.

Draft a New Version

5.1 new ver nmc


  • If a document already has an existing draft version, the "Create New Version" and "Amend Current Version" buttons will be hidden.
  • 🔥 Changes in Text:Move to Draft” was renamed to “Create New Version


  • Use cases:
    • Create a New Draft Version: Start a new draft version of a document with a single click.
    • Amend Existing Documents: Easily amend the current version using the NMC workflow without navigating complex processes.
    • Streamlined Workflow: Bypass the Stages model and go directly to creating new drafts or amendments.
    • Consistent Updates: After completing the NMC workflow and releasing a version, the options to create or amend versions remain available for continuous document management.
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • By clicking on the “Create New Version” button, we will bypass the Stages model and start the “Move to Draft” process straightforwardly (it will show the Moving to Stage: Draft model).
    • These capabilities will be visible if you have the Non-Material Changes workflow enabled:
      • By clicking on the “Amend Current Version” button we will bypass the Stages model, need to change workflow to NMC and start the “Move to NMC” process straightforwardly (it Will show the Moving to Stage: NMC model).
      • After finishing the NMC workflow and releasing this version, we will show these 2 buttons again: “Create New Version” and “Amend Current Version”
    • New naming “Create New Version” and “Amend Current Version” will be applied in:
      • Version sidebar
      • Release Document Stage Buttons
      • File menu
  • Limitations:
    •  If a document already has an existing draft version, the "Create New Version" and "Amend Current Version" buttons will be hidden.

5.2 View and Resolve Pending Actions to Complete Stage

With our latest update, you can review all pending actions that prevent documents from transitioning to other stages. This feature is especially handy for Document Owners who want to ensure nothing has been missed or left incomplete.

Anticipate any possible issues like Document and Paragraph approvals, paragraphs awaiting deletion, or incomplete metadata in advance before moving on to the next step.


View and Resolve Pending Stage Actions

5.2 pending actions (1)


  • ‼️ Pending actions will be visible only to the Document Owner.
  • ‼️ When a user moves back to a previous stage, we will ignore some pending actions like approvals and metadata, allowing them to navigate back. However, we will still require resolving pending deletion paragraphs.
  • For pending deletion paragraphs counter: If a paragraph gets deleted, then its subsequently deleted child-paragraphs (that can’t be restored) won’t count.


  • Use cases:
    • View all pending actions before moving documents to another stage for efficient progress tracking.
    • Identify and address specific approval needs for both documents and paragraphs to streamline the workflow.
    • Quickly locate paragraphs scheduled for deletion and take necessary actions.
    • Navigate through incomplete metadata entries to ensure all required fields are filled before advancing.
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • By clicking on items, you can navigate to:
      1. Approvals - This will open the Document Activity/Approval Tab with the selected paragraph or document sections.
      2. Paragraph Pending Deletion - This will scroll to those paragraphs.
      3. Metadata - Open the Metadata sidebar or scroll to the Metadata at the top of the document, and apply filters: required, unfilled.
  • Limitations:
    • ‼️ Pending actions will be visible only to the Document Owner.
    • ‼️ When a user moves back to a previous stage, we will ignore some pending actions like approvals and metadata, allowing them to navigate back. However, we will still require resolving pending deletion paragraphs.
    • For pending deletion paragraphs counter: If a ****paragraph gets deleted, then its subsequently deleted child-paragraphs (that can’t be restored) won’t count.

5.3 ❇️  Improvements

5.3.1 🔥 Approvals: Document approvals now maintain status after template enforcement.

You no longer have to worry about your approval status getting reset each time someone releases a new template. Now, when someone updates a template, your approval stays without moving back to pending or sending a second notification. This means your workflow will remain smooth and uninterrupted.

5.4 💢 Overview of changes in UI and Text

5.4.1 🔥 We changed the text of the button: “Move to Draft” to “Create New Version”.

6. Metadata 🧾

Admin Panel

You get advanced controls to customise editable metadata across each document version and prevent unwanted changes.

6.1 Manage what Metadata Fields are Read-Only via Metadata Screens

The new feature gives you more options to manage your metadata fields. You can now control which metadata fields are read-only directly from the metadata screen. This feature adds flexibility and allows for more efficient management of field editing workflows.


Manage Screens

6.1 read only meta


  • We do not place any editing restrictions on operations performed via API


  • Use cases:
    • Increasing data integrity by limiting edits to essential fields.
    • Streamlining metadata management workflows.
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    •  By default, all fields remain editable unless otherwise classified.
  • Limitations:
    •  ‼️ We do not place any editing restrictions on operations performed via API

7. Tagging 🏷️

Policy Management

Working to provide you with more insights on content and help you to tag document content data efficiently.

7.1 Export Tagged Paragraphs Table View to CSV File

You now have the power to quickly and precisely export tagged paragraph content within Tags > Paragraphs. With this enhancement, you can efficiently transform your data into a CSV file, streamlining work processes and allowing for easy data manipulation.


View Added Tags Across Policy Management

7.1a export tagged (1)


  • ‼️ "Export Table" - will export information from all tagged paragraphs from all pages. We will not consider pagination as we do when you export documents.
  • ‼️ The columns that will be exported are not customisable for now.


  • Use cases:
    • Easy auditing and analysis of document content
    • Extracting document content that matches defined tags
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • ‼️ "Export Table" - will export information from all tagged paragraphs from all pages. We will not take pagination into account as we do when you export documents.
    • ‼️ The columns that will be exported are not customisable for now. Columns in table:
      1. Document Title
      2. Document ID
      3. Document Link
      4. Document Version
      5. Document Stage
      6. Paragraph ID
      7. Paragraph Link
      8. Paragraph Content
      9. Paragraph Section
      10. Updated in Version
      11. Content Updated At
      12. Content Updated By
      13. Paragraph Tag Group 1
        1. Tags
      14. Paragraph Tag Group 2
        1. Tags
      15. Paragraph Tag Group N
        1. Tags
    • Name of the file: Tagged Paragraphs - March 19, 2024 at 16-12
  • Limitations:
    •  We will export paragraph content in HTML view as we do in other export features.

7.2 View All Available Tags When Adding to Documents or Paragraphs

With this new feature, you can easily see all the available tags when adding them to any document or paragraph.

No more guesswork or the need to type out possible tags—you can now discover all your tagging options upfront.


Add or Delete Tags from Documents and Paragraphs

7.2 tags (1)


  • Use cases:
    • Easily Discover Tag Options: You will see all available tag options without needing to start typing.
    • Efficiently Search by Tag Groups: You can search for tags by the groups they belong to, making it simpler to find specific tags.
    • Identify Tag Groups for Applied Tags: Quickly view which group any applied tag belongs to, enhancing context and organisation.
    • Streamlined Tagging Process: Streamline the tagging process by having all options available at your fingertips, ensuring you don't miss out on relevant tags.
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • This new behaviour will be available for document and paragraph tags.
    • ‼️ We also improved the search for tag groups and tags:
      • If we find inside tag group
        • we will show this tag group with all its options
        • we will show this tag group collapsed (if no matches inside tags of this tag group)
        • we will highlight text matches inside the tag group
      • If we find inside a specific tag
        • we will show the tag group and all tags
        • we will show this tag grouped expanded
        • we will highlight text matches inside the tag
  • Limitations:
    •  N/A

7.3 ❇️  Improvements

7.3.1 🔥 Tagging: Manage Tags in Released version of the document

🔥 Changes in the current way of working 🔥 You now have the flexibility to update document and paragraph tags at any stage of a document. You no longer need to return to the initial stages just to manage tags; you can do it right in the Release stage!

Use Cases:

  • Update paragraph tags to improve content discoverability at any document stage.

8. Attestation ☑️


Now you are just a click away from having all your attestation details in the palm of your hand, neatly organized in one CSV file. This will enhance your analysis, decision-making, and compliance reporting capabilities

8.1 Export All or Single Attestations in each Document Version

You can now export detailed attestation reports in CSV format for all or single attestations in the document. The reports include document attestation details and users' information, including their attestation status.

This covers document information, attestation data, and user details.

Additionally, you can see the latest modifications to your attestation, such as the attestation modification date and who made these changes. All these features are designed to meet your reporting needs and save you valuable time for important decisions.


Manage Attestations

8.1 export attestation (1)


  • We do not show information about groups - only a plain list of their users.


  • Use cases:
    • Easily share document attestation details with stakeholders through an exportable CSV file.
    • Simplify auditing by having all attestation information in a single downloadable format.
    • Efficiently manage and review user engagement and completion rates for attestations.
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • ‼️ The columns that will be exported are not customisable. Columns in table:
      • Document Title
      • Document Id
      • Document Link
      • Document Version
      • Attestation Name
      • Attestation Due Date
      • Attestation Creation Date
      • Attestation Created By
      • Attestation Modified Date
      • Attestation Modified By
      • First name
      • Last name
      • Email
      • Attestation Status
      • Attestation Completion Date
    • Name of the files:
      • All attestations: document name v 1_0 attestations - july 22 2024 at 14-53.csv
      • Single attestation: attestation name - july 22 2024 at 14-54.csv
  • Limitations:
    •  We do not show information about groups - only a plain list of their users.

8.2 💢 Overview of changes in UI and Text

  1. New arrow button to navigate back to the list of all attestations in the document.
  2. Use standard UI elements for input fields in the Attestation form.
  3. Change naming for button: “Add a deadline” to “Add Attestation
  4. Change naming for Attestation sidebar:
    1. when adding new: “Add Attestation”
    2. when update: “Update Attestation”
    3. if passed attestation: “Attestation”

9 Automation ⚡

More options to customise email recipients in automation rules

9.1 Use Smart Values in Recipients Field for Send Email Action

You can now use smart values in the Recipients field when configuring the Send Email action. This makes it easier for you to send targeted emails with instructions, reminders, and other important notifications to users who need to take action at specific stages.

Approval Recipients: Automatically send emails to approvers based on their status on the specific stage they are involved in.

Dynamic Recipients: Select recipients using document User picker metadata values

Configure Automations

9.1 auto recepients (1)


  • Use cases:
    • Escalations: Automatically remind or escalate actions to approvers and reviewers to ensure timely approvals and reviews.
    • Approvers: Choose stage-specific recipients such as All Approvers, Pending Approvers, Resolved Approvers, or Rejected Approvers.
    • Reviewers: Utilize document metadata to send emails to specific users based on the User Picker fields
    • Example of Automations:

      • When a document is moved to Stage A - send an Email to All Approvers with instructions and due dates
      • 10 days before the stage deadline - send Email to all Pending Approvers with reminders to complete actions
      • When the document moves to Stage B - send an Email to the users defined in the User Picker metadata, such as the “SME group” metadata user picker group.
  • Dependencies and downstream impacts:
    • Approvers: Allow to choose stage approvers as Recipients
      • All Approvers
      • Pending Approvers
      • Resolved Approvers
      • Rejected Approvers
    • Reviewer: Document Metadata User Picker
      • For example: Give me users from this document metadata fields:
        • "Owner of the Document" user picker metadata
        • “SME” user picker metadata
        • etc
  • Limitations:
    • If the user picker field is removed or unassigned from the document entity, automation will no longer send emails to the users specified in this metadata field.

9.2 ❇️  Improvements

9.2.1 Include Date Time Locale in Automation Emails

To improve the clarity and usability of our automated emails, you will now see the date and time localized to your specific region. We have also added a timezone stamp. This ensures that all time-related information is clear and accurate, regardless of your location.

‼️ Note this only relates to system metadata that includes time information like publication date, modified date, etc.

9.2.2 Unified Smart Value for Document Version

You can now use a single smart value, @document_version, for document versions in your automated messages. This update removes the confusion of having both @document_version and @Version, making it simpler for you to manage your document references.

9.3 💢 Overview of changes in UI and Text

9.3.1. ‼️ We have changed the placeholders metadata names to [No Data] in emails when any of the following scenarios occurs:

  1. There is an empty value.
  2. The field has its Document entity removed.
  3. The field has been deleted from the system.


🐞 Bug fixes & improvements

 ❇️  Improvements

Policy Management

  • Notification Center: The "User and Groups" tab was renamed to Bulk Permissions to indicate what bulk operation was applied.
  • Notification Center: View Clear Error Explanation When Deleting Users

    In an effort to make our Policy Management more user-friendly and informed, we have released a new feature that provides clear error explanations when trying to delete users.
    Now, when you attempt to delete users that are part of a group or are automatically assigned to various templates or documents, you will receive a detailed error message.

    This feature is designed to enhance understanding and control within user management processes.

    Errors were added for this cases:
    • When a user tries to delete users who are part of the group
    • When a user tries to delete users who are automatically added to Template, Modification, or Original documents (also if the user was added as part of a group)

On Portal

  • [Document Repository] We updated the "Last Viewed" time to consider your timezone.

    Previously, the "Last Viewed" time didn't consider where you were in the world, which meant you'd see inaccurate timing like "Viewed an hour ago."

    But now, wherever you are, the time displayed will make perfect sense, providing a more reliable and accurate reference point.

🐞 Important bugs that were fixed

For details on each fix listed below, please visit this details page.

Policy Management

  • Fixed an issue where the NMC Stage Deadline didn't extend to 7 Days from the Move Date.
    • This fix will only impact new NMC transitions and will not affect current documents that are in the NMC stage.
  • Fixed an issue where the system occasionally failed to upload images to a document.
  • Fixed an issue where when a template had different stages in the draft version, it was impossible to create a modification of a document derived from that template.
  • Fixed an issue where text metadata values displayed HTML code in reports.
  • Fixed an issue where template automations did not apply to documents that got attached post-creation.
  • Fixed an issue where text styles were not applied to the title page.
  • Fixed an issue where paragraph tags search failed if there were no paragraph tags in the platform.

Policy Portal

  • Fixed an issue where the last viewed time on Policy Portal did not account for the user’s timezone.


  • Fixed an issue where the Onecert app duplicated the suffix for MRK files.